After I _________ a letter I took her to a __________ ________.
Then we shall go to the _____ _______ Duke Street, where we shall _______
In “they?re all more ridiculous than a slapstick comedy” we find the use of a _________.
Which of the following sentences is the most proper?______
___________ is such a spitfire.
He betrayed no _______ of discontent, except such as may follow evening?s drinking.
The colloquial or spoken language is the language for the use of the ________.
“ You ask me for Julia, and you do not possess even an anna! (Here the old ”— rogue ______ broadly, as if he had made a capital pun.)
Mrs. Jones had a _____ husband, who would do anything for her.
He would rather die than live in __________.
I do not mean to insult the reader by pretending that I killed, for instance, a regiment of cavalry or swallowed a battery of guns, —such _______ tales would disgrace both the hearer and the teller.
Her mind had been __________ into such a condition as she could not very likely have imagined possible a few months since.
It has all the _____ of a good detective story.
You can sterilize a needle by holding it in a ___________.
The thief made a ____ at the old lady?s purse.
The following is a specimen of Black English. “ We?s safe, Huck, we?s safe! Jump up and crack yo ? heels, dat?s de good ole Cairo at las?, I jis knows it! ” This variety of English is characterized by the following except its
The following is a quarrel between a couple. “ The house is filthy with you, ” she cried. “ Then get out on it — it?s mine. Get out on it! ” he shouted. “ It?s me as brings th? money, not thee. ” The husband speaks a dialect, which can be seen from the following words except ________.
____ water is their energy source, ____ tropical cyclones are seasonal.
The poor lady ?s pang must have been increased when she thought of her rival, ______ was a favorite of the whole Court, ______ she was neglected.
The little hands of the child closed round the soldier?s finger ______ the mother looked up in his face with maternal pleasure.
After I _________ a letter I took her to a __________ ________.
Then we shall go to the _____ _______ Duke Street, where we shall _______
In “they?re all more ridiculous than a slapstick comedy” we find the use of a _________.
Which of the following sentences is the most proper?______
___________ is such a spitfire.
He betrayed no _______ of discontent, except such as may follow evening?s drinking.
The colloquial or spoken language is the language for the use of the ________.
“ You ask me for Julia, and you do not possess even an anna! (Here the old ”— rogue ______ broadly, as if he had made a capital pun.)
Mrs. Jones had a _____ husband, who would do anything for her.
He would rather die than live in __________.
I do not mean to insult the reader by pretending that I killed, for instance, a regiment of cavalry or swallowed a battery of guns, —such _______ tales would disgrace both the hearer and the teller.
Her mind had been __________ into such a condition as she could not very likely have imagined possible a few months since.
It has all the _____ of a good detective story.
You can sterilize a needle by holding it in a ___________.
The thief made a ____ at the old lady?s purse.
The following is a specimen of Black English. “ We?s safe, Huck, we?s safe! Jump up and crack yo ? heels, dat?s de good ole Cairo at las?, I jis knows it! ” This variety of English is characterized by the following except its
The following is a quarrel between a couple. “ The house is filthy with you, ” she cried. “ Then get out on it — it?s mine. Get out on it! ” he shouted. “ It?s me as brings th? money, not thee. ” The husband speaks a dialect, which can be seen from the following words except ________.
____ water is their energy source, ____ tropical cyclones are seasonal.
The poor lady ?s pang must have been increased when she thought of her rival, ______ was a favorite of the whole Court, ______ she was neglected.
The little hands of the child closed round the soldier?s finger ______ the mother looked up in his face with maternal pleasure.