preferred, prefers, is, are, was, were, will be, shall be During the holiday week, one-third of the students in our class ________ prepared to stay on campus for study while around ten percent of them ________ some more sleep at home.
Let ’ s not take John with us on our family outing this time, _______________?
We note from your letter of September 10th that you are interested ____ walnut meat.
We shall be glad to receive you offer ___ walnut meat, shipme nt,____ September/October; _____ tran sshipme nt at Hongkong.
We shall can cel the con tract if you fail to ope n the relative L/C ____ the end of this year.
慢性阻塞性肺疾病是一种以气流受限为特征的肺部疾病,其气流受限( ) , 呈进行性发展。