In fact the Sweden did not understand the three questions ____ were asked in French.
She was too shy to speak____.
Scheduling a meeting is simple-but does not ensure _ _ it will serve a useful purpose.
What is not the meeting process?
A shipment of fresh egg is transported to the docks by an exporter on an FOB contract. The eggs are broken by a crane falling them as they are awaiting to be loaded on board. The ___ should be liable for the damage.
The landlady was very strict. She asked that we ____ television on week nights.
Which job at Hudsons will Pam apply for。
货运单Not Negotiable的意义是( )。
我国甲进出口公司于2005年11月15日上午8:50用电报向美国乙公司发出要约规定接受须于11月20日前到达公司才有效。11月18日,甲公司同时接到乙公司的“接受”和“撤回接受” 的通知。根据《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的规定,在此情况下,()