As far as she is concerned, one piece of music is very much like
如图, 正方体于半径为 3m 球内, 且一面位于球的大圆上, 则正方体的表面积最大为 ()
Students enrolled as full-time can fully____in the university extracurricular clubs.
将一批树苗种在应该正方形花园边上,四角都种,如果每隔 3 米种一棵,那么剩下10课树苗 ,如果每隔 2 米种一棵那么种满正方形的 3 条边 ,则这批树苗有 ( ) 棵
All her hard work __________in the end ,and she finally passed the exam .
Dr. Byer is ____ with the renovations made to his clinic by the remodeling company
设三角区域 D 由直銭 x+8y-56=0 ,x-6y+42=0 与 kx-y+8- 6k=0(k <0) 围成,则对任意的 (x,y) ,有㏒ (x 2+y 2)≤2
(1) k ∈(- ∞,-1]
(2)k ∈ (-1,1/8]
近年来,手机、 电脑的使用导致工作与生活界限日益模糊, 人们的平均睡眠时间一直在减少,熬夜已成为现代人生活的常态。科学研究表明,熬夜有损身体健康,睡眠不足不仅仅是多打几个哈欠那么简单。有科学家具体建议, 人们应该遵守作息规律。以下哪项如果为真,最能支 持上述科学家所做的建议 ?