Part III Cloze
Directions: There are twenty blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices. Choose the one that best fits into the passage and then marks your answer on the Answer Sheet.
Before the 20th century the horse provided day to day transportation in the United States. Trains were used only for long-distance transportation.
Today the car is the most popular 61 of transportation in all of the United States. It has completely 62 the horse as a means of everyday transportation. Americans use their cars for 63 90 percent of all personal 64 .
Most Americans are able to 65 cars.
The average price of a 66 made car was 1 050 in 1950, 1 740 in 1960 and up to 1 750 67 1975. During this period American car manufacturers set about 68 their products and work efficiency.
As a result, the yearly income of the 69 family increased from 1950 to 1975 70 than the price of cars. For this reason 71 a new car takes a smaller 72 of a family’s total earnings today.
In 1951 73 it took 8.1 months of an average family’s 74 to buy a new car. In 1962 a new car 75 8.3 of a family’s annual earnings. By 1975 it only took 4.75 76 income. In addition, the 1975 cars were technically 77 to models from previous years.
The 78 of the automobile extends throughout the economy 79 the car is so important to Americans. Americans spend more money to 80 their cars running than on any other item.
61. A. kinds B. means C. mean D. types
62. A. denied B. reproduced C. replaced D. ridiculed
63. A. hardly B. nearly C. certainly D. somehow
64. A. trip B. works C. business D. travel
65. A. buy B. sell C. race D. see
66. A. quickly B. regularly C. rapidly D. recently
67. A. on B. in C. behind D. about
68. A. raising B. making C. reducing D. improving
69. A. unusual B. interested C. average D. biggest
70. A. slowest B. equal C. faster D. less than
71. A. bringing B. obtain C. bought D. purchasing
72. A. part B. half C. number D. side
73. A. clearly B. proportionally C. percentage D. suddenly
74. A. income B. work C. plans D. debts
75. A. used B. spend C. cost D. needed
76. A. months’ B. dollars C. family D. year
77. A. famous B. superior C. fastest D. purchasing
78. A. running B. notice C. influence D. discussion
79. A. then B. as C. so D. which
80. A. start B. leave C. keep D. repair
61-65 BCBDA
66-70 DBDCC
71-75 DABAC
76-80 ABCBC
天津创业化工厂是一家生产六溴-2,4-二硝基苯胺的村办企业。该厂只有一座大厂房,内分3个车间;东车间生产中间产品2,4-二硝基苯胺,中间车间为备料车间,堆放着一袋袋强氧化剂氯酸钠、溴化物和 2,4-二硝基苯胺。 1996 半 1 月 26 日下午 4 时,有人发现该厂厂房中部的窗户冒出黑烟,大声喊救火,正在厂办公室的厂长和宿舍里的职工以及附近村民都赶来救火。他们发现是备料车间的氯酸钠冒烟, 于是从离厂房约十几米的废水塘里拎水灭火,泼了几桶后无效, 厂长便叫人赶快运沙子灭火,没等沙子运到,只听两声巨响,一股黑烟直冲天空,面积约500平方米的厂房被夷为平地,前来救火的工人和村民死亡19 人,受伤 14 人,直接经济损失120 万元。
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