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You’d better let me know as soon as there is a(n)____position in the branch office.








Part III Cloze

Directions: There are twenty blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices. Choose the one that best fits into the passage and then marks your answer on the Answer Sheet.

What makes a child speak a language has long been a puzzle to linguists. 61 speaking, there are two schools of linguists, both of whom try to explain 62 a child picks up a language so easily. The fact that a child picks a language 63 is 64 : At one year old, a child is able to say “bye-bye”; at two, he is able to use fifty; by there he begins to 65 tenses. The famous American linguist Noam Chomsky 66 that human being have a sort of built-in system for language use, and that the 67 is 68 . Children are not taught language 69 they are taught arithmetic. Other linguists, 70 , hold the view that a child learns 71 of his language from the hints in the environment. 72 , theorists of both schools 73 that there is a biological basis for language use. The 74 is which is more important, the inner ability or the environment. This is certainly a field 75 to be explored. Researchers from both schools are busy finding evidence to 76 their own theory, but 77 side is persuading the other.

It seems that in order to 78 why a child learns a language so easily, we have to 79 the joint efforts of both schools. Some linguist, like De Villiers, has recognized the value of cooperation, and 80 linguists of both sides to work together.

61. A. Surprisingly B. Personally C. Properly D. Roughly

62. A. that B. when C. why D. how

63. A. independently B. naturally C. without help D. with ease

64. A. confusing B. surprising C. questioned D. suspected

65. A. master B. study C. have D. get

66. A. doubts B. believes C. realizes D. criticizes

67. A. help B. teacher C. environment D. hint

68. A. quite essential B. very important C. not necessary D. only secondary

69. A. as B. for C. when D. though

70. A. in particular B. as a result C. however D. therefore

71. A. a little B. some C. nothing D. most

72. A. Before B. From now on C. Just now D. By now

73. A. suspect B. disagree C. agree D. realize

74. A. case B. argument C. problem D. question

75. A. waiting B. planning C. never D. unlikely

76. A. provide B. create C. supply D. support

77. A. not a B. one C. neither D. either

78. A. find out B. rule out C. search for D. look for

79. A. get rid of B. trust in C. rely on D. persist in

80. A. ordered B. criticized C. challenged D. urged


In thissection,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation, you will hear some questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

1、 A. The collection of precious metals.

B. A standard measuring weight unit.

C. The value of precious metals.

D. A new metric system of measurement.

2、 A. Checking the accuracy of scales.

B. Calculating the density ofmetals.

C.Observing humidity of atmosphere.

D.Measuring amounts of rainfall.

3、 A. It has been rusty. B. It was not scientific.

C. It was of low quality. D. It was out of date.

4、 A. It is very cheap. B. It is difficult to say.

C. It is too expensive. D. It is reasonable.

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

5、 A. She is busy writing a biological article.

B. She is busy with a program about endangered species.

C. She is busy reading some books on economics.

D. She is busy with two research papers.

6、 A. Some species are impossible to conserve.

B. People are less conscious of saving endangered species.

C. Funds are difficult to get to conserve endangered species.

D. It is difficult to determine which animals are endangered.

7、 A. The relatives of the tailed toad have been extinct.

B. The varieties of the tailed toad are helpful to the research ofevolution.

C.If the tailed toad is well conserved,many other species will be better saved.

D.If the tailed toad was extinct,some myth about evolution would lose.

8、 A. The man is busy preparing the research paper.

B. The woman should hand two papers in on the same day.

C. The man is reading a hook only about biology.

D. The woman is glad to make a decision on which animal to save.

Part IV Translation

Combined with the messaging service, the location service could help rescue teams to find stranded adventurers, the police to find stolen cars, exporters to follow the progress of cargoes, and haulage companies to check that drivers are not detouring the pub.(Passage Four)



























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