下列不属于反垄断法所禁止的滥用行政权力排除、限制竞争行为的是 ( ) 。
泰山市的荣昌公司为国有企业,荣发公司为集体企业,这两个企业因资产归属问题发生 产权纠纷。荣昌公司经主管国有资产管理部门同意,提出了一套处理产权纠纷的意见,并与 荣发公司协商解决,荣发公司不同意荣昌公司的处理意见。根据国有资产产权纠纷处理的有关规定,荣昌公司可以提请 ( ) 。
The students are required to ________ the main ideas of the article in their own words.
He‘s working hard_____.
In the 1960s pop music underwent a revolution when ________ became world famous and turned their home town of Liverpool into a place of pilgrimage.
Australia, which is one of the world's developed countries, has become rich through ________.
The two girls competed with each other ______ the highest mark.
It is difficult to ________ the implication between the lines.
_____you understand this rule ,you‘ll have no difficulty in dealing with such problems.
The professor worked for 7 hours at a ________.