Under FCA term, if the chosen place of delivery occurs at the seller’s premises ,the seller is not responsible for ling .
信用证中注明: Invoices in three copies ,受益人向银行交单时,提供了三份副本发票不符合信用证规定。
E-commerce not only involves exchanges among customers, business partners andvendors, but also includes operations that handled within the business itself.
Normally tramp rates fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand.
信用证中注明: Invoices in three copies ,受益人向银行交单时,提供了三份副本发票不符合信用证规定。
The UCP600 published by the International Chamber of Commerce came intoforce on January 1st, 2007.
根据《INCOTERMS 2000》,在FCA贸易术语下,如货物在卖方仓库处交付后使用公路运输方式,则意味着卖方负担将货物装上卡车的费用。