在 ERP中,财务管理系统可分为 __________与财务管理。
We shall be glad to receive you offer ___ walnut meat, shipme nt,____ September/October; _____ tran sshipme nt at Hongkong.
We shall certai nly con tact you, as soon as we are ____ a positi on to en terta in new bus in ess in your district.
He said that he ____ (feed) up with college instructors who tried to teach him to use the “ scientific
When you were in London, did you visit ________________ Tower, too?
lt is n ecessary ___ you to comply with our shipp ing in structi ons.
汉字的 A.______、B.______、C.______是计算机用于汉字输入、内部处理、输出三种不同用途的编码。