With such a poor score in the entrance exam, it’s ________ impossible for him to be admitted to this university.
哥德巴赫猜想(奇数情形) :任何不小于7的奇数都可以写成()个质数的和.
If you _______ in behaving in this way you will bring yourself nothing but trouble.
设 x1,x2,x3,x4 为来自总体X的样本,=()
评价者应当主要考虑;教师所选择的教育内容是否符合幼儿社会性教育的需要,是否符合幼儿社会性发展的实际情况;对幼儿来说, 教育内容是否为幼儿必须的, 是否符合幼儿的认知水平,幼儿是否愿意接受 , 属于()
The cloth had a natural look which perfectly ________ the image Laura sought.
设奇函数 f (x) 在 上具有连续导数,则()