二个人智商同为 80,一个是山区农民,结合他受教育程度和所处环境,考虑其智力基本正常;另一个是大学教授,结合其表现,考虑有大脑退行性改变的可能,这是遵循心理测验的
根据我国票据法的规定,凡签发( ) 的汇票无效。
A ____ is able to attend to any of the procedural and documentary procedure on behalf of the consignor or consignee.
企业提供的会计信息应当有助于财务会计报告使用者对企业过去、现在或者未来的情况作出评价或者预测,这遵循的会计信息质量要求是( )。
国际货物运输, 航空公司为货主提供的免费保管货物的期限为()天,超过此限取单应付保管费。
预约保险以 ( ) 代替投保单,说明投保的一方已办理了投保手续。
A shipment of fresh egg is transported to the docks by an exporter on an FOB contract. The eggs are broken by a crane falling them as they are awaiting to be loaded on board. The ___ should be liable for the damage.
Under the FOB term, the risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer when goods pass the ship’s rail in the ____.