按 CIF 成交的合同,属于在目的港交货的合同。
The figure like 1/10/2007 in British English will be understood as January 10,2007.
全程跟单是指 “跟”到货款到账,合同履行完毕为止。
E-commerce not only involves exchanges among customers, business partners andvendors, but also includes operations that handled within the business itself.
A foul bill of lading means that the bill of lading is very dirty.
在 FOB、CFR和 CIF 之后加注的港口名称有的是装运港,有的是目的港,但其交货地点都是在装运港。
进口合同采用CIF 成交时,我方必须办理投保手续。
Mate’s receipt is issued by the forwarder to the shipper.