He has the _____ of an athlete: he really goes all out to win.
The scope of freight forwarder ’s service on behalf of consignor includes()
Sit back and reflect on ______ it is that you do best and what you enjoy.
_____ published by the ICC contains detailed provisions dealing with the operation of documentary credit.
不同运输方式下完成货物运输签发的提单是( )。
合同上货物名称是“ SHIRTS”,信用证上的名称误为“SKIRTS”,受益人()。
采用信用证方式的,按L/C 要求办,若没有具体要求时,发票的抬头应做成()
Body language also called:
根据我国票据法的规定,凡签发( ) 的汇票无效。
信用证装运期是指( )。