“The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one -eighth of it being abov e water. ” This “iceberg ” analogy about prose style was put forward by( ).
―________ fine day it is today!
Unlike his contemporaries in the early 20th century,( )did not break up with the poetic tradition nor made any experiment on form.
Which of the following statements is NOT true of Emily Dickinson and her poetry?
He ________ violin when I want to sleep.
It is not decided ________ the conference will be held.
In the Grammar-Translation Method, grammar analysis and translation proved to be _______ in studying foreign culture through literary works.
I only called the police when I ________ everything else.
Which of the following techniques is NOT used in the Grammar-Translation Method?________
If you are walking away from a clock tower ,you will hear the ticking of the clock fade to a point ________ it cannot be heard.