已知 (x2+6x+9)+6(x+3)+9=0 , 那么 x=?
N是偶数吗 ?
(1).n2-1 是奇数。
(2).n0.5 是一个整数。
在会场中有 5个人,每两个人必须握一次手,那么所有的人总共握了多少次手 ?
He gave the order that nothing _____ until the police arrived.
Hot metal ________ as it grows cooler.
每逢下雨,街道和人行道就变湿,如果这是正确的,则下面哪个也一定是正确的 ?
Ⅰ. 如果街道和人行道都是湿的,那么正在下雨。
Ⅱ. 如果街道湿了,但人行道没湿,那么没下雨。
Ⅲ. 如果没下雨,那么街道和人行道都不会湿。
某法院公布夫信被执行人名单,以督促其履行义务,不少夫信人在得知姓名被公布后迫于 “面子”和舆 论压力、找到法院配合执行。对此,下列表述正确的是
Any visitors to the production facilities must____a security pass from the information desk at the front entrance.
John says that his present job does not provide him with enough ______for his organizing ability.
The team played hard because the championship of the state was______.