The syntactic rules of any language are ______ in number.
What he told us was more of a(n) ________ than a reality.
As activity carried ________ as one thinks fit in one’s spare time, leisure has several functions.
He graduated from college ________ his parents divorced.
A man flown to a time zone different by 10 hours will ________ eight days to readjust his palm sweat.
Which of the following is NOT emphasized by traditional linguists?
Closely relate d to Dickinson ’s religious poetry are her poems concerning( ),ranging over the physical as well as the psychological and emotional aspects of death.
The reply, when it finally came, was ________ the negative.
He talked a lot about things and persons ________they remembered in the school.
Lexical manipulation is one aspect of the rhetorical features of idioms. The following EXCEPT ______ belong to lexical manipulation.