患者女性, 32 岁。诊断为特发性血小板减少性紫癜,口服泼尼松60mg/d ,经 6 个月治疗症状无缓解,近期出血更加严重。进一步治疗应考虑
We regret ______ unable to agree to the buyer's request as stated in the L/C stipulations for insurance to becovered up to the inland city.
The old man should be treated with____.
Many artists predict that this brilliant young actor __ to be a shinning star.
It is obvious that this new rule is applicable to everyone without _____.
In our letter of May 5, we made __________ clear that shipment is to be effected in June.
He talked about the men and books ____ interested him greatly in the school.
Tammy: Someone is at the doctor.
Richard: ______.
What ’ s the meaning of money in the 5M ( ) .
Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1921 and enjoyed great fame in Germany until the rise of Nazism ____ he was expelled from Germany because he was a Jew.
Due to the bad weather the plane was ____ for two hours.