马, 3 岁,体温 38.7 ℃。右前肢支跛,蹄尖负重,系部直立,指动脉搏动明显,检蹄器压迫蹄 叉有痛感但蹄底和蹄叉处无明显眼观病变,楔木试验阳性,该病适宜的治疗方法是
胃黏膜表面被覆一层灰黄色假膜。镜检见粘膜上皮严重变性、坏死和脱落, 表面附有粉色纤维蛋白样渗出物,其中混杂有多量炎性细胞。该胃病变为
"The lecturer was a tall thin man with white hair." "Then it _______Dr.Fell because he is short and fat.It_____Dr.Jones;he is thin."
With one leg broken in that car accident, he cannot even walk, ____ run.
I don ’ t like this hat.Please show me____.
I often thought of my childhood,____ I lived on a farm.
My sister wasn't in Paris last month ,so you _____her there.
_____ this has happened on occasion, this is the exception and definitely not the rule .
He was almost asleep, ____ with all this hard work.
Nowhere but in the remotest region of the country ____find a place to settle down.