________, John has been to several foreign countries.
男性 ,48 岁, 外出旅行后 , 出现发热 , 咳嗽 , 咳痰伴乏力 , 腹泻 5 天, 查体 : 血压 120/76, 神智清, 双下肺湿罗音 , 化验血 , 白细胞 12×10 的9 次方 , 中性粒细胞 87%,血Na126。胸片提示双下肺斑片状影 , 外院行“头孢呋辛”输液治疗后 , 自行感觉症状无好转 , 胸片提示双下肺阴影面积增加 , 该患者下一步有效治疗最可能适用?
具有土地入股和统一经营特点的是 ___________。
She got a job as an assistant stage manager at the Cambridge Arts Festival Theatre, thinkingthat it might ________ to a career as a playwright ( 剧作家 ).
男性, 65 岁,患胆总管结石。手术切开胆总管探查、取石,并放置 T 管引流,术后 T管造影发现仍有 0.5cm 残余结石,可经 T 管瘘管取出残余结石的最短时间是
The farmer had to wear heavy boots in the winter because the fields were too wet and________.
For the new country to survive, ________ for its people to enjoy prosperity, new economic policies will be required.
我国社会主义改造完成之后,占统治地位的经济形式是 ______。