在有压力的管路中,由于某种外界原因(如阀门突然关闭,水泵机组突然停车; 开泵、停泵、开关闸阀过于快速),使水流速发生急剧变化,从而引起压强急剧升高和降低的交替变化,这种水力现象称为水锤现象。这种现象对管道、水泵、阀门造成极大破坏并引起水泵反转,管网压力降低等后果
二维随机变量(X ,Y) 在D=(x,y)0<y<1-x2上服从均匀分布,求Z1,Z2联合分布。
Jack is a teacher of English. He is not young,but he is not old. He has a round face and black hair.He is tall. There are fifty students in his class. They all like him.Now it's in the afternoon. Look,some students are working in the classroom. Jack is there,too.He is helping them to study English. He is a good teacher, and he is a good friend of them all.
()1. What does Jack do?
A. He is a worker.
B. He is a teacher.
C. He is a doctor.
D. He's a nurse.
()2. What colour is his hair?
A. It's black.
B. His heir is white.
C. It is brown.
D. He has yellow hair.
()3. How many students are there in his class?
A. There are fifteen students in his class.
B. There's fifty.
C. He has fifty.
D. There're fifty in it.
()4. Jack is a good teacher,isn't he?
A. Yes ,he isn't.
B. No ,he is.
C. Yes,he's.
D. Yes ,he is.
()5. What are the students doing in the classroom?
A. They are walking there.
B. They are doing their lessons.
C. They are helping their teacher.
简述“发扬积极因素, 克服消极因素”这一德育原则的基本含义和贯彻要求。
(2)观测宇宙中辐射电磁波的天体,距离越远单位面积接收的电磁波功率越小,观测越困难。为了收集足够强的来自天体的电磁波,增大望远镜口径是提高天文观测能力的一条重要路径。2016年9月25日,世界上最大的单口径球面射电望远镜FAST在我国贵州落成启用,被誉为“中国天眼”。FAST直径为 500 m,有效提高了人类观测宇宙的精度和范围。
a.设直径为 100 m的望远镜能够接收到的来自某天体的电磁波功率为P?,计算 FAST能够接收到的来自该天体的电磁波功率P?;
b.在宇宙大尺度上, 天体的空间分布是均匀的,仅以辐射功率为 P的同类天体为观测对象,设直径为 100 m望远镜能够观测到的此类天体数目是N0,计算 FAST能够观测到的此类天体数目 N。
试题">(1)静电场可以用电场线和等势面形象描述。a.请根据电场强度的定义和库仑定律推导出点电荷Q的场强表达式;b.点电荷的电场线和等势面分布如图所示,等势面S? S?到点电荷的距离分别为r ?、r ?。我们知道,电场线的疏密反映了空间区域电场强度的大小。请计算S?、S?上单位面积通过的电场线条数之比N1/ N2。
(2)观测宇宙中辐射电磁波的天体,距离越远单位面积接收的电磁波功率越小,观测越困难。为了收集足够强的来自天体的电磁波,增大望远镜口径是提高天文观测能力的一条重要路径。2016年9月25日,世界上最大的单口径球面射电望远镜FAST在我国贵州落成启用,被誉为“中国天眼”。FAST直径为 500 m,有效提高了人类观测宇宙的精度和范围。
a.设直径为 100 m的望远镜能够接收到的来自某天体的电磁波功率为P?,计算 FAST能够接收到的来自该天体的电磁波功率P?;
b.在宇宙大尺度上, 天体的空间分布是均匀的,仅以辐射功率为 P的同类天体为观测对象,设直径为 100 m望远镜能够观测到的此类天体数目是N0,计算 FAST能够观测到的此类天体数目 N。
It's Sunday morning. The students of Class 3 are giving their classroom a good cleaning.
Miss Huang, their teacher, is working with them. The children are busy. Some are carrying water;
some are cleaning the windows; others are sweeping the floor. Zhang Hua is putting up a map on the
wall. It is a map of China. Wang Fei and Wei Qing are mending some broken chairs. The children are.
listening to the radio while they are working. The classroom looks nice and bright after the cleaning.
The children are very happy. They go home for lunch at noon.
( ) 1. The children are playing in their classroom on Sunday morning.
( ) 2. Miss Huang, their mother, is working with them.
( ) 3. There is a map of China on the wall.
( ) 4. Two of them are repairing the broken chairs.
( ) 5. They are singing while they are working.