RXX年XX月XX日东滩电厂对系统进行检修,在厂房内高度 3 米的架空管道 ( 普通管道 ) 需要改造焊接,工作过程中需要气割,使用叉车,焊接前需要使用砂轮对焊点进行打磨,在其下方有电缆沟,作为 电焊工工作中可能发生什么事故?
Sit back and reflect on ______ it is that you do best and what you enjoy.
It is usually the ____ who issues relevant documents such as Forwarder’s Certificate of Receipt, Forwarder’s Certificate of Transport, etc.
According to INCOTERMS 2000( )means that the sellers delivers the goods, cleared forexport, to thecarrier nominated by the buyers at the named place.
航空货物毁灭或遗失要求赔偿,应自填开货运单之日起( )之内提出。
On which day is the meeting going to take place?
航空货代具有( )身份。
( )是负责国际航空运输的技术、航行及法规方面的机构。
We acknowledged the receipt of your letter dated 26th September _____ connection ______ the above subject.
If he ____ on tourists for his business,he would have to close his shop.