开眼看世界,是中国在外来侵略压力下的被动反应,旨在了解西方,自立自强。但社会科学方面的知识,在政治上并非中性的。近代以来,西方在全球权力格局中的优越地位是以其经济军事实力和以全世界为研究对象而生产出来的知识体系共同支撑的。将这样的知识移植到中国来,并不等同于“开眼看世界”,因为其中描绘的世界图景是他人的眼睛观察的结果。现在,我们必须摆脱西方固有的模式,真正走出去,把全世界当作研究对象,真正用中国人的研究去看,去观察,去分析,从而生产出有中国主体性的知识。这段文字意在强调( )。
Which of the following sentences is the most proper?______
The first task of a brochure is to _______.
The following is a quarrel between a couple. “ The house is filthy with you, ” she cried. “ Then get out on it — it?s mine. Get out on it! ” he shouted. “ It?s me as brings th? money, not thee. ” The husband speaks a dialect, which can be seen from the following words except ________.
This _____ factor means that there is often a connection in appearance and temperament between parents and children.
We ____ some brochures ____ to illustrate the types of materials we manufacture.
Imports will be allowed in proportion _______ exports.
The missing boys were last seen ________ near the river.
We are ______ to have your enquiry for Sewing Machines.