Civilizations are diverse, and such diversity makes exchanges and mutual learning among them relevant and valuable. Civilizations are equal, and such equality provides the prerequisite for exchanges and mutual learning. Civilizations are inclusive, and such inclusiveness gives the motivation for exchanges and mutual learning among them.
We live in a world with different cultures, ethnic groups, skin colors, religions and social systems, and the people of all countries have become members of an intimate community with a shared destiny. We should encourage different civilizations to respect each other and live in harmony, so that exchanges and mutual learning between them becomes a bridge for promoting friendship between people around the world, an engine driving progress of human society and a bond cementing world peace. We should draw wisdom and nourishment and seek spiritual support and psychological consolation from different civilizations and work together to tackle the challenges facing mankind.
Part III Cloze
Directions: There are twenty blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices. Choose the one that best fits into the passage and then marks your answer on the Answer Sheet.
There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born 61 . Human brains differ considerably, 62 being more capable than others. 63 no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence 64 he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what 65 to the individual—the sort of environment in which he is brought 66 . If an individual is handicapped (受阻碍) 67 , it is likely that his brain will 68 to develop and he will 69 attain the level of intelligence of which he is 70 .
The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be 71 by the case history of the identical twins, Peter and John. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they are placed in 72 foster (寄养) homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an 73 community with poor educational 74 . John, 75 , was educated in the home of well-to-do parents who has been to college. This environmental 76 continued until the twins were 77 their late teens, 78 they were given tests to 79 their intelligence. John’s I.Q. (智商) was 125, twenty-five points higher than the 80 and fully forty points higher than his identical brother.
61. A. for B. by C. with D. in
62. A. most B. some C. many D. few
63. A. But B. For C. Still D. And
64. A. if B. thought C. as D. unless
65. A. refers B. applies C. happens D. concerns
66. A. about B. up C. forward D. forth
67. A. relatively B. intelligently C. regularly D. environmentally
68. A. fail B. help C. manage D. stop
69. A. ever B. never C. even D. nearly
70. A. able B. capable C. available D. acceptable
71. A. demonstrated B. denied C. neglected D. ignored
72. A. separate B. similar C. remote D. individual
73. A. omitted B. isolated C. enclosed D. occupied
74. A. possibilities B. opportunities C. capacities D. responsibilities
75. A. moreover B. consequently C. then D. however
76. A. exception B. division C. difference D. alteration
77. A. in B. by C. at C. for
78. A. while B. since C. when D. because
79. A. estimate B. count C. decide D. measure
80. A. average B. common C. usual D. ordinary
筷子(chopsticks) 是中国传统的独具特色的进食工具 (diningutensils) ,至今已有数千年的历史。筷子在古代被称为“箸”,大约从明朝开始才有了 “筷子”的称呼。筷子多为竹子制成,也有用木头、象牙(ivory)、金属或其他材料制作而成。它要么上方下圆,要么上下全圆而上粗下细。不管其形状如何,筷子必须是成对使用的,并且两只筷子的大小长短要相同。筷子是中国人日常生活的必备工具,它的发明充分反映了中国人民的智慧。