某甲年满 16 周岁,初中毕业以后因未考上高中,便在某企业上班,月工资为 800 元。某甲仍与其父母共同生活,有关某甲的下列行为,表述正确的是()。
有关组织指定监护人后, 被指定人不服的, 应当在接到通知的次日起()内向人民法院起诉。逾期起诉的,按变更监护关系处理。
Tina _____ have known the truth, or she would have told us.
There were many more people who got injured in the big fire than _______.
Of all the applicants, ______ do you think is fit for the position?
把尊宪守法作为衡量干部 ( )的重要标准,把法治素质和依法办事能力作为考察干部的重要内容
It is the news ____ most parents of the hope that there is a safe and socially approved road to a kind of life they themselves have not had, but their children can.