航空快运中,一项必不可少的重要单据是( )。
CIP术语中买卖双方风险转移在( )。
A ____ is able to attend to any of the procedural and documentary procedure on behalf of the consignor or consignee.
所谓" 信用证严格相符 "的原则,是指受益人必须做到 ( )。
根据《海关法》规定,进口货物的报关期限为自运输工具申报进境之日起 14 天之内,进口货物的收货人或其代理人逾期申报的,由海关征收滞报金,滞报金的日征收额为进口货物完税价的()。
_____ this has happened on occasion, this is the exception and definitely not the rule .
As a consolidator, the forwarder will provide the service in his own name and issuea()
空运承运人对没有办理声明价值的货物损失,其最高赔偿限额为毛重每公斤( )。
预约保险以 ( ) 代替投保单,说明投保的一方已办理了投保手续。