( )不需要按照国家安全生产监督管理总局有关危险化学品建设项目安全监督管理的规定,对新建、改建、扩建管道建设项目办理安全条件审查、安全设施设计审查、试生产(使用)方案备案和安全设施竣工验收手续
His companions have threatened to__ his crimes to the police.
On no account ____ ever leave the baby at home alone.
_____ him tomorrow.
In fact the Sweden did not understand the three questions ____ were asked in French.
I can still remember the sitting room ____ I used to sit in the evening.
The present situation forced us to ____ this policy.
Human beings are superior to animals _____ they can use language as a tool tocommunicate.
The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country_____ by the police each time.
If he ____ on tourists for his business,he would have to close his shop.
When the idea of winning in sports is carried to excess, ____competition can turn into disorder and violence.