Tom ____ of his wife how she had met her friend.
Some concepts may be difficult to grasp chiefly because they may be unfamiliar or _____ideas, opinions which we already hold.
Proper space planning is __ for conducting a successful business meeting.
航空公司运价以“S”表示( )。
航空货物毁灭或遗失要求赔偿,应自填开货运单之日起( )之内提出。
What is a generally acknowledged as the most powerful advertising medium and reaches abroad spectrum of consumers. ()
鹿特丹港( ROTTERDAM )是我国国际海上集装箱货物运输挂靠的主要港口之一,该港口位于()上。
Asking questions also gives you the opportunity to _______ if this is the right place foryou.
空白抬头、空白背书的提单( )。