原发性痛经临床表现包括:月经来潮前几小时即发生下腹部疼痛,经期逐渐或迅速加剧,持续时间通常为 2~3 天;疼痛常呈痉挛性,放射至腰骶部或大腿内侧。
We will ______ you as soon as the new crop comes to the market.
We cannot see any possibility of business ____ your price is too high.
He bought a house for his children ________
There was so much noise that the speaker couldn ’t make himself ________.
Which of the following statement is NOT true?
______ the new plan can be carried out will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.
Her mind had been __________ into such a condition as she could not very likely have imagined possible a few months since.
He shook hands with the visitors ________ as to convey his apology.
Mrs. Jones had a _____ husband, who would do anything for her.
We are glad to receive your telegraphic order of May 6, ______ regret that we can not supply the goods ______ the end of May.