The bunker is payable by ()during the period of voyage charter.
In the practice of L/C transaction, the buyer is not required to pay for the goods until the arrival of the relevant____.
根据《最高人民法院关于审理海上货运代理纠纷案件若干问题的规定》,国际货运代理企业在处理海上货运代理业务过程中,以自己的名义签发提单、 海运单或者其他运输单证,国际货运代理企业应当承担()。
In most supply chains, customer requirements are transmitted in the form of()
信用证规定“ Certificate of origin G. S. P. Form A induplicate ”,根据要求,该产地证的签发机构是
It is usually the ____ who issues relevant documents such as Forwarder’s Certificate of Receipt, Forwarder’s Certificate of Transport, etc.
保兑信用证的保兑行其付款责任是 ( )。
关于信用证的有效期,除特殊规定外,银行将拒绝接受迟于运输单据出单日期 ( )天后提交的单据。