某公司收到客户开来信用证,规定最迟装运期为“on or about Nov. 15, 2011 ”,则该公司可以在 2011 年 11 月 15 日的前后各 5 天内发运货物。
To unite the freight forwarding industry worldwide is one of FI’s mainobjectives.
通过 request 的参数值来设置 beans 相应属性的值,要求 request 参数名字必须与 beans 属性 的名字相同。
From legal point of view, the Notify Party on the B/L is not the party of thecontract of the carriage of goods by sea.
E-commerce not only involves exchanges among customers, business partners andvendors, but also includes operations that handled within the business itself.
在出口业务中, 采用 CIF 纽约成交与采用 FOB 上海成交的主要区别在于:前者卖方要负责租船订舱,办理货运保险,支付运费和保险费,并将货物交至纽约港船上;而后者卖方只需将货物交至上海港买方指定的船上。