________ from the occasional late night party, our neighbors are very quiet.
某单位要铺设草坪,若甲乙两公司合作需 6 天完成,工时费共 2.4 万元,若甲公司单独做, 4 天后由乙公司接着做天完成,工时费共计 2.35 万元。若由甲公司单独完成该项目,则工时费共计()万元
As you like pop music, __________ I like literature.
Students enrolled as full-time can fully____in the university extracurricular clubs.
Edison tested more than one thousand materials to see if they could _____ electric ; current and glow.
某食堂采购 4 类(各蔬菜名称的后一个字相同,即为一类 )共 12 种蔬菜:芹菜、菠菜、韭菜、青椒、紅椒、黄椒、黄瓜、冬瓜、丝瓜、扁豆、毛豆、豇豆。并根据若干条件将其分成 3组,准备在早中晩三餐中分別使用。已知条件如下:
如果韭菜、青椒与黄瓜在同一组,则可得出以下哪项 ?
He gave the order that nothing _____ until the police arrived.
For the new country to survive, ________ for its people to enjoy prosperity, new economic policies will be required.
The address book ________ the email addresses of your friends or groups of colleagues.