1973 年,对以色列发动 "十月战争 "的埃及总统是 ()
设 f(0)=0 ,则 f(x) 在 x =0 处可导の充要条件为()
如图, 正方体于半径为 3m 球内, 且一面位于球的大圆上, 则正方体的表面积最大为 ()
Each year in the United States, many black teenagers _______ of school, either because they cannot keep up or they have to work to support their family.
The association is ________ to raising funds to help the blind.
设函数 f(x) 在x=0处连续,下列命题错误的是()
Tom placed the bank notes ,_________the change and receipts ,back in the drawer .
下列对关于个体手工业改造错误的是 ___________。
Senior members of the staff competed eagerly ________ the position of sales manager in the company.