1916年 1 月,陈独秀在《青年杂志》撰文称: “个人之人格高,斯国家之人格亦高。个人之权巩固,斯国家之权亦巩固。而吾国自古相传之道德政治胥(皆)反乎是。 ”陈独秀意在()
古埃及的 "金字塔时代 "是指 ()
新民主主义社会的形态是 _______。
________ they've got to know each other a little better, they get along just fine.
Let's drink _______ Dicks' success in business.
The engine has broken and the boat is ______ on the water.
He thoroughly understood the society __________.
I prefer this diagram ________ that one.
The manager is calling on a______ customer trying to talk him into signing the contract .
The opposition leaders ________ the government for not taking action sooner.
印度河流域的早期文化被称为 ()