OSI 代表 ()
根据国际商会《跟单信用统一惯例》的规定,如果信用上未注明"不可撤消 "的字样,该信用证应视为:()
There are many ___to do so for the participants.
Under the FOB term, the risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer when goods pass the ship’s rail in the ____.
鹿特丹港( ROTTERDAM )是我国国际海上集装箱货物运输挂靠的主要港口之一,该港口位于()上。
根据《 UCP600》的规定,银行审单时间最多为收到单据次日起的第( ) 银行工作日。
按照惯例,开证行在收到国外寄来的全套单证后应实行严格审核,下列 ( ) 不属于审核事项。
Some customers requested us to _____ our price because they considered it too high.
By the same token, regularly searching the Internet allows you to be the first in line to apply______companies post new job openings.