From legal point of view, the Notify Party on the B/L is not the party of thecontract of the carriage of goods by sea.
某公司收到客户开来信用证,规定最迟装运期为“on or about Nov. 15, 2011 ”,则该公司可以在 2011 年 11 月 15 日的前后各 5 天内发运货物。
The objective in inventory strategy is to achieve desired customer service with theminimum inventory commitment.
如买卖合同规定的装运条款为“Shipment during June / July in two equal lots ”,这表明出口人必须在 6 月、 7 月两个月内各装一批,每批数量相等。
《2000 年通则》在《 1990 年通则》的基础上,根据国际贸易飞速发展的需要,对常用的贸易术语实行了重大的调整。
The UCP600 published by the International Chamber of Commerce came intoforce on January 1st, 2007.