What he told us was more of a(n) ________ than a reality.
William Faulkner once said that( )is a story of “lost innocence, ” which proves itself to be an intensification of the theme of imprisonment in the past.
Jean Wagner’most s enduring contribution to the study of Afro -American poetry is his insistence that it ________ in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference.
As far as Australian culture is concerned, the history of Australia can be divided into the following phases with the exception of ________.
Happiness doesn ’t alway s _______ money.
A good worker in a key spot could, so _______ as he kept up production, take all the coffee breaks he wanted.
In Death in the Afternoon( )presents his philosophy about life and death through the depiction of the bullfight as a kind of microcosmic tragedy.
Which of the following words does NOT have suffixes?
Mark Twain’s particular concern about the local character of a region came about as “local colorism, ” a unique va riation of American literary( ).