妊娠 36 周, 产前检查胎背位于母体腹部左侧, 胎心音位于左上腹, 宫底可触及浮球感,其胎方位为()
With the rapid development of petroleum industry, more and more oil products of high quality are being turned out.
标准状态下测定某汽车尾气中CO含量为2.8mg/m3,若用ppm表示,则 CO含量为()ppm 。
----- Tina had nothing for breakfast, ____________ she?
----- _____________. She had some bread and milk.
As the number of participants has increased from 60 to 98, we wonder if we can useLecture Hall 'A' as ' B' will be too small.
Learning to cope with a health problem can contribute to a better life.