It is not uncommon for there _____ problems of communication between the old and the young.
She was once a young country wife with chickens in the backyard and a view of _______mountains behind the apple orchard.
He resented _____ to wait. He expected the minister _____ him at once.
I don’t like _____ bills but when I do get them I like _____ them promptly.
_____ regular training in nursing, she could hardly cope with the work at first.
I am sorry I have no time at present to ____more detail or give you an account of other cities of interest.
Miss Green was()$100 for driving after drinking.
The present situation forced us to ____ this policy.
While doing calculation for the project, the designers____a new solution to a geological problem.
He noticed the helicopter hovering over the field. Then to his astonishment, he saw a rope ladder _____ out and three men climbing down it.