当前位置:考试网  > 试卷库  > 外语类  > 大学英语  > 大学英语三级  >  Dear Sir/Madam, I am pleased to write a letter of recommendation on behalf of Sand River and its CEO, Mrs. Jane King. I am very familiar with the company. My next book deals with it in detail, which is to be published in autumn of 2018. I am also familiar with European consumer. As a Dutch citizen, I have lived in Europe for 46 years and studied European consumer behavior for decades.I believe that Sand River offers something unique to the European market. It has established long-term supply relations with herdsman ( 牧民) families and owns advanced German machinery. Thus it combines natural resources with modern manufacturing techniques. But equally important, Sand River works with modern fashion designers to create truly contemporary and appealing designs. The result is a newly-established cashmere ( 羊绒) brand that appeals to a target group of high-income women. I met Mrs. King the first time in 2013. Since then, we have met several times and talked about Sand River's philosophy, strategy, and appeal to both Chinese and international consumers. I was struck by her deep knowledge about knitting (针织) technology, her enthusiasm for the brand, and her deep understanding of the cashmere shopper. I regard her as a "woman of her word." To summarize, I believe Sand River products deserve a place in luxurious European department stores and Mrs. King is a reliable partner. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Joan Smith 36、 Joan Smith wrote the recommendation letter on behalf of ______. A. a Dutch citizen B. herdsman families C. the European consumer D. Sand River and its CEO 37、 From the letter we can learn that Sand River ______. A. has long-term links with herdsmen B. employs many herdsman workers C. manufactures advanced machines D. sells hand-made products 38、 The target consumers of the newly-established cashmere brand are ______. A. college students B. blue-color workers C. high-income women D. average herdsman families 39、 By saying "a woman of her word" (Para. 3), the writer means that Mrs.King ______. A. always keeps her promise B. is a good public speaker C. knows customers well D. is well educated 40、 As far as the European market is concerned,the writer thinks that Sand River products ______. A. are fit for supermarkets in big cities B. are likely to enjoy a big market share C. will appeal to different kinds of customers D. deserve a place in luxurious department stores

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am pleased to write a letter of recommendation on behalf of Sand River and its CEO, Mrs. Jane King. I am very familiar with the company. My next book deals with it in detail, which is to be published in autumn of 2018. I am also familiar with European consumer. As a Dutch citizen, I have lived in Europe for 46 years and studied European consumer behavior for decades.I believe that Sand River offers something unique to the European market. It has established long-term supply relations with herdsman ( 牧民) families and owns advanced German machinery. Thus it combines natural resources with modern manufacturing techniques. But equally important, Sand River works with modern fashion designers to create truly contemporary and appealing designs. The result is a newly-established cashmere ( 羊绒) brand that appeals to a target group of high-income women. I met Mrs. King the first time in 2013. Since then, we have met several times and talked about Sand River's philosophy, strategy, and appeal to both Chinese and international consumers. I was struck by her deep knowledge about knitting (针织) technology, her enthusiasm for the brand, and her deep understanding of the cashmere shopper. I regard her as a "woman of her word." To summarize, I believe Sand River products deserve a place in luxurious European department stores and Mrs. King is a reliable partner. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Joan Smith

36、 Joan Smith wrote the recommendation letter on behalf of ______.

A. a Dutch citizen

B. herdsman families

C. the European consumer

D. Sand River and its CEO

37、 From the letter we can learn that Sand River ______.

A. has long-term links with herdsmen

B. employs many herdsman workers

C. manufactures advanced machines

D. sells hand-made products

38、 The target consumers of the newly-established cashmere brand are ______.

A. college students

B. blue-color workers

C. high-income women

D. average herdsman families

39、 By saying "a woman of her word" (Para. 3), the writer means that Mrs.King ______.

A. always keeps her promise

B. is a good public speaker

C. knows customers well

D. is well educated

40、 As far as the European market is concerned,the writer thinks that Sand River products ______.

A. are fit for supermarkets in big cities

B. are likely to enjoy a big market share

C. will appeal to different kinds of customers

D. deserve a place in luxurious department stores



[ 解析] 细节题根据短文的第一段第一句 “我为代表桑德河公司及其执行总裁——珍·金女士撰写这封推荐信感到十分荣幸 ”可以看出,作者代表的是桑德河公司及其执行总裁,故选D。A、B、C三项均为干扰项,在文中都有提及,但是与题干无关,不能选择。


[ 解析] 细节题根据短文第二段第二句可知 “该公司已和牧民家庭建立了长期合作,还引进了德国先进设备”。故选A。B项为干扰项,短文提及了与牧民家庭有长期合作, 但是没有说明是否为雇佣关系, 因此不能选择。短文提到公司引进先进的设备,但不是生产设备,所以C项也不能选择。而 D项未在文中出现,不能选择。


[ 解析] 细节题根据短文第二段最后一句可知 “…针对高收入的女性消费群体的新羊绒品牌”。故选 C。A、B、D三项均为干扰项,在文中没有提及,不能选择。


[ 解析] 词义题a、woman of her word或a man of his word意为“信守承诺,说话算数的人 ”,在这里暗指金女士是值得信赖的人。故选 A。B、C、D三项为干扰项,在文中没有提及,也与题干无关,不能选择。


[ 解析] 细节题根据短文倒数第二段 “…我相信桑德河的产品值得在欧洲的奢侈品市场拥有一席之地”,可知作者认为该公司的产品品质值得信赖,完全可以在欧洲奢侈品市场进行推广,故选D。A、B、C三项均为干扰项,在文中没有提及,不能选择。









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C酒业公司位于华南地区,占地 58 万平方米, 年产各类白酒20 万吨。 公司有员工 3000人,安全生产管理部门有专职安全生产管理人员7 人。C酒业公司有粮库1 个,粮食粉碎车间 3 个,发酵酿造车间 12 个,露天储酒罐区 1 个,勾调车间 4 个、灌装车间 8 个、成品酒仓库 8 个、包装物品仓库4 个。动力车间 1 个、设备车间 1 个,污水处理车间1 个,员工食堂 3 个,浴室 5 个。露天储酒罐区位地上式罐区,有1003立式固定顶储罐130 个,储罐之间的距离为0.倍罐径: 250m3历史固定顶储罐100 个。储罐之间的距离为0.9 倍罐径,露天储酒罐区的防护重点是防火、防爆、防泄漏、防雷击。罐区设置避雷针16 组,露天储酒罐区与厂内主干道路边之间的防火距为12m;事故存液地容积为200m3。 粮食粉碎车间通过负责除尘系统收集机械磨碎过程中产生的粮食粉尘,除尘系统使用防静电布袋除尘,除尘管道采用Ф500mm镀锌管道,法兰盘连接,并对法兰盘防静电跨接,管道按规定接地。 C酒业公司为粮食粉碎车间员工配发了防静电服,防静电鞋,防尘口罩和防尘帽。发酵酿造车间窖池属有限空间, 2014 年 10 月曾经发生过一起员工在清理窖池作业时的中毒与窒息事件,因抢救及时,未造成员工伤亡,在此之后,C酒业公司严格执行国家安全生产监督管理总局《有限空间安全作业五条规定》,完善了有限空间作业管理制度。灌装车间为了减少流水线作业噪声对员工的影响,为员工配发了耳塞。动力车间有 10kv 配电室 1 个, 20t/h 锅炉 2 台。设备车间有数控车床8 台,设备车间有数控车床8 台,普通车床 2 台,铣床 2 台,钻床1 台以及电焊、气焊设备,气瓶若干。污水处理车间主要处理发酵酿造过程中的污水,处理量800t/d 。C就业公司另有 10t 桥式起重设备 3 台,5t 桥式起重设备 5 台,客货梯 5 部,场内机动车辆 130 辆(其中叉车 80 辆)以及一支货物运输车队。 2014 年年末安全生产大检查期间,属地人民政府安全生产监督管理部门对C 酒业公司露天储酒罐区进行了专项安全生产检查。检查中注意到,避雷装置上一次检测时间为2014年 3 月,罐区上方架设有临时用电线,罐区作业人员甲、乙身着普通工作服,用真空泵从罐车往储罐输送原酒,罐车罐体未连接到静电释放装置。 问题: 1.根据《职业病分类和目录》 (国卫疾控发 [2013]48 号),辨识 C酒业公司可能存在的职业病类别并说明原因。 2. 指出 C酒业公司特种设备的种类。 3. 简述 C酒业公司在发酵酿造车间严格执行《有限空间安全作业五条规定》(安监总局令第 69 号)的具体内容。 4. 简述 C酒业公司露天储酒罐区存在的事故隐患并说明理由。
试题分类: 安全生产事故案例分析
试题分类: 土建
某工程分 A、B 两个监理标段同时进行招标,建设单位规定参与投标的监理单位只能选择A或 B 标段进行投标。 工程实施过程中,发生如下事件: 【事件 1】:在监理招标时,建设单位提出: (1)投标人必须具有工程所在地域类似工程监理业绩; (2)应组织外地投标人考察施工现场; (3)投标有效期自投标人送达投标文件之日起算; (4)委托监理单位有偿负责外部协调工作。 【事件 2】:拟投标的某监理单位在进行投标决策时,组织专家及相关人员对A、B 两个标段进行了比较分析,确定的主要评价指标、相应权重及相对于A、B 两个标段的竞争力分值见表2014—2—1。 【事件 3】:建设单位与 A 标段中标监理单位按《建设工程监理合同(示范文本) 》(GF-2012-0202)签订了监理合同,并在监理合同专用条件中约定附加工作酬金为20 万元 / 月。监理合同履行过程中,由于建设单位资金未到位致使工程停工,导致监理合同暂停履行, 半年后恢复。 监理单位暂停履行合同的善后工作时间为 1 个月,恢复履行的准备工作时间为1 个月。 【事件 4】:建设单位与施工单位按 《建设工程施工合同 (示范文本)》(GF-2013-0201)签订了施工合同,施工单位按合同约定将土方开挖工程分包, 分包单位在土方开挖工程开工前编制了深基坑工程专项施工方案并进行了安全验算,经分包单位技术负责人审核签字后,即报送项目监理机构。 问题: 1、逐条指出事件 1 中建设单位的要求是否妥当,并对不妥之处说明理由。 2、事件 2 中,根据表 2—1,分别计算 A、B 两个标段各项评价指标的加权得分及综合竞争力得分,并指出监理单位应优先选择哪个标段投标。 3、计算事件 3 中监理单位可获得的附加工作酬金。 4、指出事件 4 中有哪些不妥,分别写出正确做法。
试题分类: 案例分析
试题分类: 软件测试技术