当前位置:考试网  > 试卷库  > 外语类  > 商务英语  > 初级(阅读)  >  Section B Directions: There are ten blanks in the following letter. You are required to choose the best one from the given four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then write down the correct answer in the brackets. This section totals 10 points, one point for each blank. Dear Mr. Bush Thank you for your 1 of January 5 for our Beauty Brand Blouses. We are now exporting 2 of various brands, among which Beauty Brand is the most famous. They are in great 3 abroad and our stocks are running 4 quickly. They are popular not only for their novel design, but also for the reasonable prices. We are confident that once you have tried our blouses, you will place repeat orders with us 5 large quantities. As you requested, we are now 6 as follows: Price: US$600 per dozen CIF New York Terms of Payment: By sight L/C to be opened through a bank to be 7 by the Sellers. Shipment: In March 2007. Please note that we do not allow any commission 8 our blouses, but a discount of 5% may be 9 if the quantity is more than 1,000 dozen. The above offer is made without 10 and is subject to our final confirmation. We hope that you will place an order with us at an early date. Sincerely yours ( )1. A. request B. enquiry C. acquisition D. requirement ( )2. A. blouses B. woman blouses C. woman shirts D. lady shirts ( )3. A. need B. want C. require D. demand ( )4. A. up B. off C. down D. away ( )5.A. at B. for C. in D. with ( )6. A. ordering B. offering C. placing D. advising ( )7. A. agreed B. approved C. acceptable D. covered ( )8. A. on B. in C. of D. at ( )9. A. provided B. supplied C. furnished D. granted ( )10. A. promise B. duty C. engagement D. onus

Section B

Directions: There are ten blanks in the following letter. You are required to choose the best one from the given four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then write down the correct answer in the brackets. This section totals 10 points, one point for each blank.

Dear Mr. Bush

Thank you for your 1 of January 5 for our Beauty Brand Blouses.

We are now exporting 2 of various brands, among which Beauty Brand is the most famous. They are in great 3 abroad and our stocks are running 4 quickly. They are popular not only for their novel design, but also for the reasonable prices. We are confident that once you have tried our blouses, you will place repeat orders with us 5 large quantities.

As you requested, we are now 6 as follows:

Price: US$600 per dozen CIF New York

Terms of Payment: By sight L/C to be opened through a bank to be 7 by the Sellers.

Shipment: In March 2007.

Please note that we do not allow any commission 8 our blouses, but a discount of 5% may be 9 if the quantity is more than 1,000 dozen.

The above offer is made without 10 and is subject to our final confirmation.

We hope that you will place an order with us at an early date.

Sincerely yours

( )1. A. request B. enquiry C. acquisition D. requirement

( )2. A. blouses B. woman blouses C. woman shirts D. lady shirts

( )3. A. need B. want C. require D. demand

( )4. A. up B. off C. down D. away

( )5.A. at B. for C. in D. with

( )6. A. ordering B. offering C. placing D. advising

( )7. A. agreed B. approved C. acceptable D. covered

( )8. A. on B. in C. of D. at

( )9. A. provided B. supplied C. furnished D. granted

( )10. A. promise B. duty C. engagement D. onus


1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C
































Trouble with Teamwork

Mary Owen examines the role and efficiency of teams

Recruiters say that candidates who can give examples ofwork they have done as members of a successful team are in asstrong a position as those who can point to significant individualachievement. Indeed, too much of the latter may suggest thatthe person concerned is not a 'team player' - one of the moreserious failings in the book of management.

The importance of being a team player is a side effect of the increasing interaction acrossdepartments and functional divides. Instead of pushing reports, paperwork and decisions aroundthe organisation, 'teams provide a dynamic meeting place where ideas can be shared and expertisemore carefully targeted at important business issues,' says Steve Gardner, in his book KeyManagement Concepts. He adds, 'Globalisation has added a further dimension to teamwork.Multinational teams now study policy decisions in the light of their impact on the local market.'

But is teamworking being overdone? 'Some managers are on as many as seven or eightdifferent teams', says Dr Cathy Bandy, a psychologist who recently ran a conference on thesubject. 'They take up so much time that managers can't get on with core tasks.' Forming teamsand having meetings has, she says, become an end in itself, almost regardless of purpose. There isalso the danger of an unhealthy desire to keep the team going after the work has been done. 'People feel the need to belong, and team membership can provide a kind of psychologicalsupport.'

The idea behind teamworking is that, when the right group of people is brought together, a'force' develops which is greater than the sum of their individual talents. This is often true in sport,where good players can reach unexpected heights as members of an international team.However,few business situations have as clear a set of objectives, or as clear criteria of success orfailure, as winning a match.

'In business, everyone needs to be clear about what the challenge is and whether a team isthe right way of approaching it', says Steve Gardner. 'Unfortunately, people focus instead on whothe members of the team should be and what roles they are to play' Dr Bandy agrees. 'There isalways a danger that teams can turn into committees,' she says. 'In a lot of situations, one or twoindividuals would be much more effective.'

So what makes a successful team? There are some general qualities that have been identified.Steve Gardnerrecommends that in every team there should be someone who is good atresearching ideas and another who is good at shooting down impractical ones. There should bethose who can resolve the tensions that naturally occur in a team and others who are focused ongetting the job done. Also, providing a clear and achievable target at the outset is the best way ofensuring that the team will move on to greater things.

13、 What point does the writer make about teamworking at the beginning of the article?

A It is the most successful form of management.

B It has changed the recruitment procedure in companies.

C Well-run teams still allow individuals to demonstrate their talents.

D Being a team player is now considered an essential management skill.

14 、According to the article, teamwork developed within companies as a response to

A modern office design.

B changing work practices.

C a reduction in administrative tasks.

D the expansion of international business.

15 、In the third paragraph, Dr Bandy suggests that

A many employees do not enjoy working in teams.

B some managers are not very effective team leaders.

C some teams are created unnecessarily.

D few teams are well organised.

16 、According to the writer, teamwork is more effective in the field of sport because the players

A know what they want to achieve.

B are more competitive by nature.

C have more individual talent.

D can be driven by national pride.

17 、Steve Gardner and Dr Bandy agree that when a business team is created people do notpay enough attention to

A the structure of the team.

B alternatives to the team.

C selecting the team members.

D directing the team's activities.

18、 What is Steve Gardner's advice on operating a successful team?

A Maintain a flexible approach to membership.

B Allow personalities to develop within the team.

C Select people who fit naturally into certain roles.

D Make every effort to avoid conflict between members.

Read the text about career-planning services.

Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps .

For each gap 9– 14, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet .

Do not use any letter more than once .

There is an example at the beginning .(0)

Your Career Path Can Lead You Anywhere

We used to be advised to plan our careers. We were told to make a plan during the later stages of our education and continue with it through our working lives.(0)_____ some people still see careers in this way. However, to pursue a single option for life has always been unrealistic.

Planning for a single career assumes that we set out with a full understanding of our likes and dislikes and the employment opportunities open to us. (9)____ For most people this degree of certainty about the future does not exist.

Our initial choice of career path and employer is often based on inadequate knowledge and false perceptions. But with age and experience, we develop new interests and aptitudes and our priorities alter. The structure of the employment market and, indeed of employment itself, is subject to change as both new technologies and new work systems are introduced (10) _____ We must face the uncertainties of a portfolio career.

It is clear from the recent past that we cannot foresee the changes which will affect our working lives. The pace of change is accelerating , as a result of which traditional career plans will be of very limited use. (11)_____ They will need updating to reflect changes in our own interests as well as in the external work environment. Flexible workers already account for about half the workforce. (12)______ We are likely to face periods as contract workers, self-employed freelances, consultants, temps or part-timers.

Many employers encourage staff to write a personal development development (PDP) (13)_____ Although some people use it only to review the skills needed for their job, a PDP could be the nucleus of wider career plan –setting out alternative long-term learning needs and a plan of self-development.

A report issued by the Institute of Employment Studies advises people to enhance their employability by moving from traditional technical skills towards the attainment of a range of transferable skills. (14)_____ Instead, special schemes should be established to encourage people to examine their effectiveness and to consider a wider range of needs.

0 A B C D E F G H

A This dual effect means that the relationship between employers and workers has evolved to such and extent that we can no longer expect a long-term relationship with one employer.

B. It carries an implicit assumption that we ourselves, and the jobs we enter, will change little during our working lives.

C. This growth suggests that a career plan should not be expressed only in terms of full-time employment but should make provision for the possibility of becoming one of the.

D this is a summary of one’s personal learning needs and an action plan to meet them.

E Consequently, they must now accommodate a number of objectives and enable us to prepare for each on a contingency basis.

F However, it warns that employers often identify training needs through formal appraisals, which take too narrow a view of development.

G . Such a freelance of consultant would be constantly in demand.

H We were expected to work towards that one clear goal and to consider a career change as a bad thing.




















The( )ofyellowandblueformgreen.

热门试题 更多>
试题分类: 社保协理员
试题分类: 入党积极分子
试题分类: 初级焊工
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试题分类: 社保协理员
试题分类: 初级焊工
试题分类: 入党积极分子
试题分类: 行政职业能力测验
1、产业结构调整包括产业结构合理化和高级化两个方面。产业结构合理化是指各产业之间相互协调,有较强的产业结构转换水平和良好的适合性,能适合市场需求变化,并带来效益的产业结构;产业结构高级化,又称为产业结构升级,是指产业结构系统从较低级形式向较高级形式的转化过程。产业结构的高级化一般遵循产业结构演变规律,由低级到高级演进。 产业结构调整是当今各国发展经济的重要课题,也是当前我国社会经济生活中一个十分重要的问题。调整和建立合理的产业结构,能够合理利用资源,提供劳动者充分就业的机会,推广应用先进的产业技术,获得经济效益等。从而更好地促动经济和社会的发展,改善人民物质文化生活。产业是发展之基、财富之源、城市之本。推动产业结构的升级与变迁是一个国家和地区经济发展的主旋律,是国民经济持续增长的强大动力。 国家发展改革委员会发布了新修订的《产业结构调整指导目录(2011年本)》,并于2011年6月1日起施行。《产业结构调整指导目录(2011年本)》是政府引导投资方向,管理投资项目,制定和实施财税、金融、土地、进出口等政策的重要依据。新目录全面反映了结构调整和产业升级的方向内容,更加注重战略性新兴产业发展、自主创新以及对推动服务业大发展的支持,更加注重对产能过剩行业的限制和引导以及落实可持续发展的要求,对于推动产业结构调整和优化升级,完善和发体现代产业体系有重要的指导作用。 2、浙江发展海洋经济已经上升为国家战略,最近国务院又批准了舟山群岛新区。地处浙江海洋经济核心区的宁波,紧抓战略机遇,择优发展临港工业,大力推动“三位一体”港航物流体系建设,积极发展大宗商品交易平台,进一步做大做强进口贸易,推动产业结构调整。 因为特殊的地理位置、资源禀赋和体制环境,宁波形成了以重化工业和传统制造业为主的产业结构,这个结构有其独特的竞争力,也面临着转型升级的重任。2011年下半年,内外需求增长趋缓、宏观政策趋紧的效应会进一步显现,成本递增、物价上行、要素短缺等矛盾和问题难以在短期内缓解。宁波要抓住当前资源要素的“倒逼”机制,加快淘汰高污染、高能耗、高排放等落后产能,着力转变粗放型发展模式。 根据《宁波市加快推动产业转型升级行动纲要》要求,“十二五”期间,宁波将传统产业提升和新兴产业培育并举,延伸产业链、提升价值链、强化创新链,大力推动现代服务业高端化、临港工业循环化、传统产业集群化、新兴产业规模化。 现代服务业高端化发展。以港口转型、产业升级为主线,积极培育大宗商品交易、总部经济、电子商务、服务外包等新兴服务业业态,成长为结构合理、特色鲜明、竞争力强的现代服务业产业体系。 临港工业循环化发展。要择优发展石化、钢铁等临港产业,充分评估资源环境容量,按照基地化、循环化、高端化的要求,延伸临港产业循环经济链,重点发展市场前景好、环境污染小、产出效益高的临港先进制造业。 传统产业集群化发展。服装、家电等传统优势制造业要从劳动密集的制造环节突围,向产业链两端的研发设计和品牌营销延伸,推动信息化与工业化深度融合,实现技术自主化、产品品牌化、产业集聚化、市场世界化、服务网络化。 新兴产业规模化发展。重点发展新材料、新一代信息技术、新能源、新装备等四大战略产业,积极培育海洋高技术、节能环保、生命健康、创意设计等四大新兴产业,抢占未来发展制高点。 通过这四个通道,宁波产业体系将实现从低附加值转向高附加值、从高能耗高污染转向低能耗低污染、从粗放型转向集约型的一次大飞跃。宁波,将借此构建起一个具有创新性、开放性、融合性、集聚性和可持续性特征的现代产业体系——这是一个城市未来的核心竞争力所在。 3、“从总体上来看,2011年上半年,我国工业增加值基本上还处于正常波动范围,没有出现令人担忧的大起大伏的局面。”工业和信息化部总工程师朱某说。不过他同时表示,当前工业经济在整体保持平稳运行的同时,发展中仍存有着一些不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题,尤其是结构调整难度增大。2011年安排淘汰落后生产水平任务的18个工业行业中,有10个行业目标比去年有较大增加,在人员安置、债务处置等方面面临更大难度和压力,部分行业产能过剩问题仍然突出。 产业结构调整已成为当今世界经济发展的主题,也是发达国家迎接知识经济时代到来的重大战略举措。持续推动产业结构优化升级己成为各国提升其国际竞争力的主要途径。 这方面我们不妨看一下日本,日本的经验值得我国借鉴。日本《新华侨报》2011年7月16日发表了一篇文章,文章摘编如下: 在过去的30多年,中国经济取得了长足的进步,跃居世界第二大经济体,可谓成绩辉煌。在经济高速增长的同时,原有的增长模式也面临着挑战,产业结构调整已经成为不可回避的问题。 从需求结构调整看,扩大内需特别是增加消费是对的,但缺乏培养和形成中等收入者的机制安排,广大民众收入上不去就增加不了消费、扩大不了内需,这是中国当前遇到的矛盾。当前中国已经处于中上等收入国家之列,但产业结构仍然是一种适合生产型社会的产业结构,第二产业过大,第三产业比重低。 想要破解这些难题,不妨反观一下日本。日本政府注重缩小收入差别,中产阶级成长非常快,20世纪60年代末70年代初,日本中产阶级在社会上所占的比重达到了70%以上。此外,日本在20世纪70年代初的城市化率也就是城市人口也达到了70%。中产阶级比较理性,所以社会就比较稳定,这更是中国应该学习的。日本政府采取的产业结构调整的主要措施有:增强基础技术和基础产业,实施重点支援中小企业的政策;建构重视人才、技术等无形资产的政策体系;对具有战略性地位的重点产业给予倾斜性支持;优化完善企业的创业环境;构筑有利于增强产业竞争力、安全、能让国民安心的社会体系。日本政府在新一轮产业结构调整中更加重视政策的基础性和普遍性,持续完善产业发展环境。 4、2011年7月29日,国家发改委发布了节能形势“晴雨表”,对2011年上半年能耗过高的省份实行了警示,其中,全国有内蒙古、江西、河南等8个省区节能形势十分严峻;河北、江苏、浙江等8个省份节能减排工作比较严峻。其中,只有包括山东在内的14个省市,因为上半年工业用电量降幅明显,被国家发改委评价为节能进展顺利。16∶14,也就是说,除西藏外的30个省区市中,全国有超过一半的区域,都被能耗过高、用电形势严峻所困扰。 “今年是近几年电力供需形势最为紧张的一年,电力缺口总量可能超过3千万千瓦。”2011年5月27日,在“迎峰度夏保供电”会议上,国家电网副总经理帅军庆作出上述表述。2011年以来,我国工业用电需求保持较快增长,1~6月,工业用电量增长11.7%。在全国工业用电量的增长中,建材、冶金、化工、有色四大高能耗行业用电增长明显加快,其中建材、钢铁行业用电量分别增长19.8%和12.5%,四大行业合计用电量7482亿千瓦时,拉动全社会用电增长3.8个百分点。尤其进入6月份,工业用电量增长12.5%,比上月加快2个百分点,当月钢铁、有色、建材、化工行业用电量合计占工业用电量的45%,比重较5月份提升0.6个百分点。因为经济结构不合理,高能耗产业能源需求增长过快,2011年下半年,全国的用电形势将比较严峻,7月上旬,又有12个省份,实施了拉闸限电。 厦门大学中国能源经济研究中心林伯强告诉记者:“经济增速与用电量增速的比例理应为1∶1的关系,这是一个刚性的关系。但中国长期以来工业用电量增长超过GDP增速,说明我国的经济结构仍不够合理,发展方式粗放,由此带来能源需求过快增长。”林伯强分析,“2011年上半年,我国第二产业用电量占全社会用电量的75.3%,而其中重工业用电量占第二产业用电量的82%、全社会用电量的61.88%。”“重工业绝绝大部分为高耗能产业,重工业用电量占全社会用电量超过60%,一方面符合我国经济发展所处的阶段,另一方面也反映重工业在经济中占比过大,产业结构亟待调整。” 5、“有没有发现我们的‘空间变量’正在发生变化?面对这种变化,上海必须主动加快产业结构调整,不主动调整的结果就是‘被调整’,被土地资源、商务成本之类的强约束调整掉。”在2011年7月9日一场关于长三角区域协调发展的研讨会上,上海市经济学会会长、上海市政府发展研究中心主任、上海发展战略研究所所长周振华教授,对于当下上海经济转型的迫切性直言不讳。 在周振华看来,2011年上半年上海经济增速全国倒数,工业投资几乎零增长,诸如此类的现状都是正常现象,再追求经济增长的速度并没有多少意义,结构的轻型化将是一种必然趋势。之所以这样判断,很重要的原因是随着交通网络日趋完善便捷,我们的“空间距离”在压缩,区域经济的“空间变量”在变化。这个变化的直接结果,就是要素资源配置的范围、方式和效率变化了。一个长远影响就是,强化了市场机制在区域发展中的作用,促使各地政府在区域合作方面有新的思考。 而上述变化会引发产业效应和城市效应。产业效应是指一种区位变化,原先落后地区、经济边缘化地区因为区位的变化而变得具有增长潜力,于是企业选址就会重新考虑,从而促动产业布局的调整。而城市效应,则是指城市的集聚功能、辐射功能会更加显现,加快世界城市群的进程。 迎接“空间变量”的变化,上海必须以变应变,加快开放度,为各种要素的流动发挥作用,让要素在这里有更大的社会认同感;与此同时,主动加快产业结构调整,构建大流量的资源流动和配置的平台,政府间的合作也要更多注重在规划统一性和一体化上。周振华强调,上海要有更大气的开放度,招商引资也要换思路,能够大力引进功能型、服务型机构,包括一些不营利、无税收的公益性组织。 6、2010年12月27日下午,温州市劳动保障局职业介绍指导服务中心,能同时容纳上千人求职的大厅,只有20余名求职者在徘徊;大厅中央,20余平方米的电子显示屏,用红色文字滚动着几百条招工信息,不过鲜有“看客”。 服务中心记录显示,当天入场登记求职人数仅为28人,比去年同期100多人的登记量,减少了三分之二以上。“新村”职业介绍所是这个服务中心里的十年老店。负责人林女士指着铺满桌面的招工信息说:“这么多岗位还没招到人,和往年相比,今年市场明显冷清了。” 在“新村”介绍所,温州泰马鞋业有限公司正登出招聘皮鞋车包工的信息。“人不好招啊。”公司行政部主管刘某说,因为现有工人的流动,该公司每个月要到劳务市场招聘五六十名储备工人。为完成这个任务,他经常往职业介绍指导服务中心跑,即使这样,每月也只能完成60%的招工任务,还有40%的用工缺口,“明显感觉近几年从中西部来的工人越来越少。” 人口红利逐渐势弱,劳动力市场由买方市场转向卖方市场,买方市场必须通过提升劳动力价格来获得劳动力。经济发展靠廉价劳动力的时代即将结束。珠三角等地提前实行产业结构调整,降低了劳动密集型产业的比重,通过这种方式减弱了对大量劳动力的依赖,用科技含量和品牌提升产品附加值,从而增加产品的利润。企业利润高了,自然有水平给员工加工资。 解决用工荒,从长远看,必须调整产业结构,转变经济增长方式。这个点,温州市海螺集团等企业早已意识到。他们不再仅仅依靠“晴雨伞”等传统产业,而是升级换代,迈向了“人血白蛋白”、“植酸酶”等高科技领域。该公司人力资源部负责人表示,转型升级这几年来,公司规模日益扩大,但是劳动用工却没有随之增加,反而比转型前略有下降,所以当其他企业纠结于“订单多”与“工人缺”的矛盾时,他们显得颇为淡定。 康奈集团是温州市老牌的制鞋企业,也是用工大户,企业有员工3000余人。该公司党委副书记、工会主席陈增鑫介绍,公司十分注重打造留人环境,从生活条件、发展平台、精神文化、人文关怀等多方面,为员工营造良好的工作、生活氛围。当前公司员工的稳定率在95%以上。而从长远考虑,他们正在加紧转型升级的脚步,向高端制造和高端品牌发展。近年来,公司持续引进国外先进的生产流水线,提升了产品的质量、环保、节能水平,同时为世界顶尖品牌贴牌生产。“只有利润空间大了,我们才能在打造良好的劳动用工条件上有更多的投入。” 7、即将步入后工业化时代的中国经济正在遭遇三大产业结构不合理的尴尬局面,问题突出表现为第二产业比重过高,第三产业发展不足。尤其最近几年,方兴未艾的新经济与失衡的产业结构矛盾尖锐,优化调整各产业比重成为中国经济持续健康发展的内在需要。 申银万国研究所首席经济学家李慧勇认为,造成这个尴尬局面是因为中国产业经济中长期存有通过制度扶持工业、抑制服务业的现象。因为服务业受到较多的政府管制,而且要以全部营业额征收营业税,税收负担较重,在客观上限制了民间资本进入,制约了第三产业的发展。 国家统计局公布的工业企业经济效益指标也显示,自2002年以来,除2008年遭遇国际金融危机有所下降外,其他时间段中国工业企业的销售利润一直都维持在高位。出于获取利润的本性,投资工业企业成为投资者首选。 而“十二五”期间,因为受到供求变化和国家政策的推动,劳动力价格将明显提升,全社会节能减排需求将进一步提升。同时,“十二五”规划建议首次把“顺应各族人民过上更好生活新期待”作为规划制定的指导思想。未来,加快城乡一体化、进一步完善公共服务体系、增大对欠发达地区扶持力度等将得到实质性推动。在这些因素的共同作用下,日后中国经济转型的制度和环境还将发生一系列变化,这在客观上也要求中国的产业结构作出相对应改变。 解决难题的出路又在哪里?李慧勇认为,出路在企业自身。宏观产业结构的转变是以微观企业的转变为基础的,无论是国家的产业、资源和环境成本,还是劳动力成本的变化,最终能促使企业下决心转型的根本原因一定是这些因素影响到了企业的利润。所以,关键还在于尽快推动企业成为改革转型的主体,只有企业自觉主动地承担起经济转型的义务,市场的优化配置作用才能发挥出效能,从而推动产业结构朝着更加高效、合理的方向发展。 8、2011年以来,临沧市坚持以“规划调结构、产品调结构、项目调结构、科技调结构、算账调结构、龙头企业调结构”为方法,以“长短结合、有进有退、有所为有所不为”为原则,以“稳粮、扩经、提质、增效”为主要内容,着力调优农业产业结构,推动农业产业化经营,推动传统农业向现代农业转型。上半年,全市调减粮食、甘蔗种植面积22.7万亩,其中:调减粮食种植面积20.5万亩,调减低产低质甘蔗面积亩。调减面积用于发展烤烟14.7万亩、蔬菜0.8万亩、咖啡2.4万亩、蚕桑1.1万亩、香蕉0.5万亩,发展番荔枝、印奇果、火龙果、葡萄等0.1万亩,新建设施大棚瓜果蔬菜650亩。通过产业结构调整,传统产业得到有效提升,高价值特色产业发展步伐加快:一是甘蔗、茶叶、橡胶传统产业有效提升;二是畜牧产业稳步发展;三是咖啡、蚕桑、木薯、水果、蔬菜优势特色产业加快发展;四是渔业经济体现新的发展势头。 9、当前新兴产业正表现出依托信息技术和现代管理,从劳动密集型向知识密集型转变的发展趋势。为了适合这种变化,科学引导产业结构调整,国家“十二五”规划纲要明确提出,到2020年,我国要建成适合经济发展方式转变、产业结构调整要求,体现终生教育理念、中等职业教育和高等职业教育协调发展的现代职业教育体系,以满足人民群众接受职业教育的需求,满足经济社会对高素质劳动者和技能型人才的需求。 2011年《政府工作报告》也提出要调整优化产业结构。加快构建现代产业体系,推动产业转型升级。一是改造提升制造业;二是加快培育发展战略性新兴产业;三是大力发展服务业。加快发展生产性服务业,积极发展生活性服务业;四是增强现代能源产业和综合运输体系建设。积极推动能源生产和利用方式变革,提升能源利用效率。 新版《产业结构调整指导目录(2011年本)》主要有以下特点:一是力求全面反映结构调整和产业升级的主要内容;二是更加注重战略性新兴产业发展和自主创新;三是更加注重对服务业大发展的支持;四是更加注重对产能过剩行业的限制和引导;五是更加注重落实可持续发展的要求。 做答要求: 一、请对“给定资料1”中画线部分“产业是发展之基、财富之源、城市之本”的内涵实行阐释。(15分) 要求:准确、简明。不超过150字。 二、请结合“给定资料2”,分析如何把握产业耗能与经济发展之间的关系。(20分) 要求:准确、全面。不超过300字。 三、针对“给定资料4~8”中存有的具体问题,提出解决这些问题的建议或对策。(25分) 要求:准确、全面,切实可行,条理清楚,表达简明。不超过500字。 四、结合给定资料,以“产业结构调整”为主题,自拟题目,写一篇文章。(40分) 要求:中心明确,语言通达,条理清楚,事实与观点紧密结合,字数为1000~1200字。
试题分类: 申论