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一支非常有实力的某中超足球俱乐部为了改善训练和比赛条件,投入巨资历经两年修建了一座能容纳40000余观众的大型专用足球场, 在新足球场建成后准备举办一场大型的落成庆典活动,请你拟出一份场馆落成庆典活动的实施方案。


体育场馆落成庆典不是一般的体育公关活动, 它凝聚着人们对辛勤耕耘取得成绩的喜悦和欢庆,它是体育组织开展的重要公共关系活动, 必须精心筹划和组织实施。

1.拟定邀请嘉宾名单。根据体育场馆落成庆典主题和内容,邀请有关的宾客,一般包括有关部门负责人、知名运动员或体育界人士、同行业代表、社团代表、公众代表和员工代表、新闻界人士。请柬要尽可能地寄出, 以便掌握来宾的实际情况, 确保接待工作的顺利进行。

2.安排庆典活动程序,布置好活动现场。 体育场馆落成庆典活动程序一般为:来宾签到、主持人宣布庆典开始、宣布来宾名单、宣读贺电贺信、重要领导和来宾致词或讲话、致答词、剪彩等。现场布置包括标语、口号、彩旗、气球、宣传画、音响设备、签到处、观礼台、主席台座位及排名顺序等。

3.确定致贺词、致答词人员名单。 一般情况下,致词主方人员是组织的负责人,客方人员是地位较高和有一定声望的知名人士。贺词、答词都应言简意赅, 起到沟通感情、增进友谊的目的。

4.确定关键礼仪人员。 例如剪彩、揭牌等,除本单位负责人外,还应有德高望重德知名人士作为来宾共同参加。

5.做好各项服务接待工作。 应事先确定负责签到、 接待、 剪彩、 摄影、 录像、 扩音、 礼品发送等有关服务礼仪人员以及卫生、 保卫人员,这些人员应在庆典前到达指定岗位, 准备好与庆典有关的各种资料和活动必需品如剪刀、托盘等。

6.安排庆祝节目。 在庆典过程中可安排如舞狮耍龙、乐队伴奏、民间舞蹈、歌舞节目等,还可以邀请来宾题词,作为永久纪念。

7.组织参观。 庆典结束后,可组织来宾参观设施、陈列等,增加宣传社会组织、传播信息的机会。









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1.The failure of a high-profile cholesterol drug has thrown a spotlight on the complicated machinery that regulates cholesterol levels.But many researchers remain confident that drugs to boost levels of 'good' cholesterol are still one of the most promising means to combat spiralling heart disease. 2.Drug company Pfizer announced on 2 December that it was cancelling all clinical trials of torcetrapib,a drug designed to raise heart-protective high-density lipoproteins (HDLs).In a trial of 15000 patients,a safety board found that more people died or suffered cardiovascular problems after taking the drug plus a cholesterol-lowering statin than those in a control group who took the statin alone. 3.The news came as a kick in the teeth to many cardiologists because earlier tests in animals and people suggested it would lower rates of cardiovascular disease."There have been no red flags to my knowledge," says John Chapman,a specialist in lipoproteins and atherosclerosis at the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) in Paris who has also studied torcetrapib."This cancellation came as a complete shock." 4.Torcetrapib is one of the most advanced of a new breed of drugs designed to raise levels of HDLs,which ferry cholesterol out of artery-clogging plaques to the liver for removal from the body.Specifically,torcetrapib blocks a protein called cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP),which normally transfers the cholesterol from high-density lipoproteins to low density,plaque-promoting ones.Statins,in contrast,mainly work by lowering the 'bad' low-density lipoproteins. Under pressure 5.Researchers are now trying to work out why and how the drug backfired,something that will not become clear until the clinical details are released by Pfizer.One hint lies in evidence from earlier trials that it slightly raises blood pressure in some patients.It was thought that this mild problem would be offset by the heart benefits of the drug.But it is possible that it actually proved fatal in some patients who already suffered high blood pressure.If blood pressure is the explanation,it would actually be good news for drug developers because it suggests that the problems are specific to this compound.Other prototype drugs that are being developed to block CETP work in a slightly different way and might not suffer the same downfall. 6.But it is also possible that the whole idea of blocking CETP is flawed,says Moti Kashyap,who directs atherosclerosis research at the VA Medical Center in Long Beach,California.When HDLs excrete cholesterol in the liver,they actually rely on LDLs for part of this process.So inhibiting CETP,which prevents the transfer of cholesterol from HDL to LDL,might actually cause an abnormal and irreversible accumulation of cholesterol in the body."You're blocking a physiologic mechanism to eliminate cholesterol and effectively constipating the pathway," says Kashyap.Going up 7.Most researchers remain confident that elevating high density lipoproteins levels by one means or another is one of the best routes for helping heart disease patients.But HDLs are complex and not entirely understood.One approved drug,called niacin,is known to both raise HDL and reduce cardiovascular risk but also causes an unpleasant sensation of heat and tingling.Researchers are exploring whether they can bypass this side effect and whether niacin can lower disease risk more than statins alone.Scientists are also working on several other means to bump up high-density lipoproteins by,for example,introducing synthetic HDLs."The only thing we know is dead in the water is torcetrapib,not the whole idea of raising HDL," says Michael Miller,director of preventive cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center,Baltimore. Questions 7-13 Match torcetrapib,HDLs,statin and CETP with their functions (Questions 8-13)..Write the correct letter A,B,C or D in boxes 8-13 on your answer sheet.NB You may use any letter more than once. 7.It has been administered to over 10,000 subjects in a clinical trial. 8.It could help rid human body of cholesterol. 9.Researchers are yet to find more about it. 10.It was used to reduce the level of cholesterol. 11.According to Kashyap,it might lead to unwanted result if it's blocked. 12.It produced contradictory results in different trials. 13.It could inhibit LDLs.List of choices A.TorcetrapicB.HDLSC.StatinD.CETP
试题分类: 阅读
Asian economies will continue to expand rapidly in the next two years on the back of foreign investments, exports and domestic demand, but will not be free of worries, according to a recent securities company economic report. Massive infrastructure spending, the benefits of past investments and deregulation and growing regional trade will push along regional growth. The report tipped China’s gross domestic product to grow by 9.5 per cent in 1996 and 10.5 per cent in 1997, and Hong Kong’s to grow by 4.3 and 5.0 per cent. Singapore’s real GDP was forecast to grow by 7.6 and 7.4 per cent, Malaysia’s by 8.6 and 8.1 per cent, Thailand’s by 8.8 and 8.4 per cent, Indonesia’s by 7.3 and 7.1 per cent and Philippines’ by 5.6 and 5.8 per cent. “However, all is not rosy,” cautioned the report, which listed overheating as the region’s biggest challenge in the short term and skilled-labor shortages in the long run. It cited strains from rapid growth that had begun to stretch current account deficits and spur inflation in some regional economies, which could prevent their central banks from lowering interest rates. “This implies that economic vulnerability to unexpected shocks will remain high,” the report said, forecasting a further tightening of monetary policy in countries such as the Philippines and Malaysia, and no significant easing in Thailand, Indonesia and China. Crosby Securities also cited massive new investment programs generated by demands on infrastructure such as power, telecommunications and transport which had fuelled over-heating. It said Asia would also face a bigger challenge from newly deregulating economies in Eastern Europe which offered lower costs and better-educated workers to foreign investors. Asia’s main foreign investors should, however, continue to expand their presence in the region, the securities house said, noting new trends of intra-Asian investment. Singapore is shifting its lower value-added disc drive and electronics industry to Malaysia, which in turn is moving some of its garment-making and consumer electronics manufacturing to Indonesia and Thailand. Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore are increasingly investing in Viet Nam, Myanmar and Laos. “Asia will benefit from this trend in several ways,” the report said. ( )1Asia economy will continue to grow because of _____________. A. foreign investment B. demands in Asian countries. C. export D. all of the above ( )2 In the next 2 years, the highest economic growth will appear in ____________. A. Singapore B. Thailand C. Hong Kong D. China ( )3 Years later, the problem in Asian economy may be _________________. A. too little investment B. too much investment C. not enough qualified labors D. monetary instability ( )4 According to this report, economic changes in East Europe are ___________. A. harmful B. challenging C. helpful D. useless ( )5 The report is about the prospect of Asian economy. A. optimistic B. pessimistic C. more optimistic than pessimistic D. more pessimistic than optimistic
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