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Dear Sir/Madam, I am pleased to write a letter of recommendation on behalf of Sand River and its CEO, Mrs. Jane King. I am very familiar with the company. My next book deals with it in detail, which is to be published in autumn of 2018. I am also familiar with European consumer. As a Dutch citizen, I have lived in Europe for 46 years and studied European consumer behavior for decades.I believe that Sand River offers something unique to the European market. It has established long-term supply relations with herdsman ( 牧民) families and owns advanced German machinery. Thus it combines natural resources with modern manufacturing techniques. But equally important, Sand River works with modern fashion designers to create truly contemporary and appealing designs. The result is a newly-established cashmere ( 羊绒) brand that appeals to a target group of high-income women. I met Mrs. King the first time in 2013. Since then, we have met several times and talked about Sand River's philosophy, strategy, and appeal to both Chinese and international consumers. I was struck by her deep knowledge about knitting (针织) technology, her enthusiasm for the brand, and her deep understanding of the cashmere shopper. I regard her as a "woman of her word." To summarize, I believe Sand River products deserve a place in luxurious European department stores and Mrs. King is a reliable partner. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Joan Smith 36、 Joan Smith wrote the recommendation letter on behalf of ______. A. a Dutch citizen B. herdsman families C. the European consumer D. Sand River and its CEO 37、 From the letter we can learn that Sand River ______. A. has long-term links with herdsmen B. employs many herdsman workers C. manufactures advanced machines D. sells hand-made products 38、 The target consumers of the newly-established cashmere brand are ______. A. college students B. blue-color workers C. high-income women D. average herdsman families 39、 By saying "a woman of her word" (Para. 3), the writer means that Mrs.King ______. A. always keeps her promise B. is a good public speaker C. knows customers well D. is well educated 40、 As far as the European market is concerned,the writer thinks that Sand River products ______. A. are fit for supermarkets in big cities B. are likely to enjoy a big market share C. will appeal to different kinds of customers D. deserve a place in luxurious department stores
试题分类: 大学英语三级
If the old maxim that the customer is always right still has meaning, then the airlines that ply the world’s busiest air route between London and Paris have a flight on their hands. The Eurostar train service linking the UK and French capitals via the Channel Tunnel is winning customers in increasing numbers. In late May, it carried its one millionth passenger, having run only a limited service between London, Paris and Brussels since November 1994, starting with two trains a day in each direction to Paris and Brussels. By 1997, the company believes that it will be carrying ten million passengers a year, and continue to grow from there. From July, Eurostar steps its service to nine trains each way between London and Paris, and five between London and Brussels. Each train carries almost 800 passengers, 210 of them in first class. The airlines estimate that they will initially lose around 15%-20% of their London-Paris traffic to the railways once Eurostar starts a full service later this year (1995), with 15 trains a day each way. A similar service will start to Brussels. The damage will be limited, however, the airlines believe, with passenger numbers returning to previous levels within two to three years. In the short term, the damage caused by the 1 million people-levels traveling between London and Paris and Brussels on Eurostar trains means that some air services are already suffering. Some of the major carriers say that their passenger numbers are down by less than 5% and point to their rivals-Particularly Air France-as having suffered the problems. On the Brussels route, the railway company had less success, and the airlines report anything from around a 5% drop to no visible decline in traffic. The airlines’ optimism on returning traffic levels is based on historical precedent. British Midland, for example, points to its experience on Heathrow Leeds Bradford service which saw passenger numbers fold by 15% when British Rail electrified and modernized the railway line between London and Yorkshire. Two years later, travel had risen between the two destinations to the point where the airline was carrying record numbers of passengers. 1.British airlines confide in the fact that__. A.they are more powerful than other European airlines. B.their total loss won’t go beyond a drop of 5% passengers. C.their traffic levels will return in 2-3 years. D.traveling by rail can never catch up with traveling by air. 2.The author’s attitude towards the drop of passengers may be described as__. A.worried.B.delightedC.puzzled.D.unrivaled. 3.In the passage, British Rail (Para 6) is mentioned to__. A.provide a comparison with Eurostar. B.support the airlines’ optimism. C.prove the inevitable drop of air passengers. D.call for electrification and modernization of the railway. 4.The railway’s Brussels route is brought forth to show that__. A.the Eurostar train service is not doing good business. B.the airlines can well compete with the railway. C.the Eurostar train service only caused little damage. D.only some airlines, such as Air France, are suffering. 5.The passage is taken from the first of an essay, from which we may well predict that in the following part the author is going to__. A.praise the airlines’ clear-mindedness. B.warn the airlines of high-speed rail services. C.propose a reduction of London/Paris flights. D.advise the airlines to follow British Midland as their model.
试题分类: 大学英语六级
试题分类: 资料员
某办公大楼由主楼和裙楼两部分组成,平面呈不规则四方形, 主楼二十九层, 裙楼四层,4 / 10地下二层, 总建筑面积 81650m2。该工程 5 月份完成主体施工, 屋面防水施工安排在8 月份。屋面防水层由一层聚氨酯防水涂料和一层自粘SBS 高分子防水巻材构成。裙楼地下室回填土施工时已将裙楼外脚手架拆除,在裙楼屋面防水层施工时,因工期紧没有拱设安全防护栏杆。 工人王某在铺贴巻材后退时不慎从屋面掉下,经医院抢救无效死亡。裙楼屋面防水施工完成后,聚氨酯底胶配制时用的二甲苯稀释剂剩余不多,工人张某随手将剩余的二甲苯从屋面向外倒在了回填土上。主楼屋面防水工程检查验收时发现少量卷材起鼓,鼓泡有大有小, 直径大的达到 90mm,鼓泡割破后发现有冷凝水珠。经查阅相关技术资料后发现:没有基层含水率实验和防水卷材粘贴实验记录;屋面防水工程技术交底要求自粘SBS 卷材搭接宽度为50mm,接缝口应用密封材料封严,宽度不小于5mm。 问题: 1.从安全防护措施角度指出发生这一起伤亡事故的直接原因 2.工程经理部负责人在事故发生后应该如何处理此事? 3.试分析卷材起鼓原因,并指出正确的处理方法 4.自粘 SBS 卷材搭接宽度和接缝口密封材料封严宽度应满足什么要求? 5.将剩余的二甲苯倒在工地上的危害之处是什么?指出正确的处理方法
试题分类: 一级建造师