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窗子以外 林徽因







没想到不管你走到那里,你永远免不了坐在窗子以内的。不错,许多时髦的学者常常骄傲地带上“考察”的神气,架上科学的眼镜,偶然走到哪里一个陌生的地方瞭望,但那无形中的窗子是仍然存在的。不信,你检查他们的行李,有谁不带着罐头食品,帆布床,以及别的证明你还在你窗子以内的种种零星用品,你再摸一摸他们的皮包,那里短不了有些钞票;一到一个地方,你有的是一个提梁的小小世界。不管你的窗子朝向哪里望,所看到的多半则仍是在你窗子以外,隔层玻璃,或是铁纱!隐隐约约你看到一些颜色,听到一些声音,如果你私下满足了,那也没有什么,只是千万别高兴起说什么接触了,认识了若干事物人情,天知道那是罪过! (有删改)

下列对文本相关内容和艺术特色的分析鉴赏,不正确的一项是( )


( 一 ) 文言文阅读(本题共4小题,19分)

阅读下面的文言文,完成10-13 题。

鲁芝字世英, 扶风郡人也。世有名德, 为西州豪族。父为郭汜所害,芝襁褓流离,年十七,乃移居雍, 耽思坟籍..。郡举上计吏,州辟别驾。魏车骑将军郭淮为雍州刺史,深敬重之。举孝廉,除郎中。后拜骑都尉、参军事、行安南太守,迁尚书郎。曹真出督关右,又参大司马军事。真薨,宣帝代焉,乃引芝参骠骑军事,转天水太守。郡邻于蜀,数被侵掠,户口减削,寇盗充斥,芝倾心镇卫,更造城市,数年间旧境悉复。迁广平太守。天水夷夏慕德,老幼赴阙..献书,乞留芝。魏明帝许焉。曹爽辅政,引为司马。 芝屡有谠言嘉谋,爽弗能纳。 及宣帝起兵爽,芝率余众犯门斩关,驰出赴爽,劝爽曰: “公居伊周之位,一旦以罪见黜,虽欲牵黄犬, 复可得乎 ! 若挟天子保许昌,杖大威以羽檄征四方兵,孰敢不从! 舍此而去,欲就东市,岂不痛哉! ”爽懦惑不能用遂委身受戮芝坐爽下狱当死而口不讼直志不苟免宣帝嘉之赦而不诛俄而起为并州刺史。诸葛诞以寿春叛,魏帝出征, 芝率荆州文武以为先驱。诞平, 迁大尚书, 掌刑理。武帝践阼..,转镇东将军,进爵为侯。帝以芝清忠履正,素无居宅,使军兵为作屋五十间。芝以年及悬车,告老逊位 ..,章表十余上,于是征为光禄大夫,位特进,给吏卒,门施行马。 羊祜为车骑将军,乃以位让芝, 曰:“光禄大夫鲁芝洁身寡欲,和而不同,服事华发,以礼终始,未蒙此选,臣更越之,何以塞天下之望!”上不从。其为人所重如是。泰始九年卒,年八十四。帝为举哀,谥曰贞,赐茔田百亩。(节选自《晋书·鲁芝传》)

10. 下列对文中画波浪线部分的断句,正确的一项是(3分)()

A. 爽懦惑不能用/ 遂委身受戮 / 芝坐爽 / 下狱 / 当死 / 而口不讼直/ 志不苟免 /宣帝嘉之 / 赦而不诛 / 俄而起为并州刺史/

B. 爽懦惑不能用/ 遂委身受戮 / 芝坐爽下狱/ 当死 / 而口不讼直志/ 不苟免 /宣帝嘉之 / 赦而不诛 / 俄而起为并州刺史/

C. 爽懦惑不能用/ 遂委身受戮 / 芝坐爽下狱/ 当死 / 而口不讼直/ 志不苟免 /宣帝嘉之 / 赦而不诛 / 俄而起为并州刺史/

D. 爽懦惑不能用/ 遂委身受戮 / 芝坐爽 / 下狱 / 当死 / 而口不讼直志/ 不苟免 /宣帝嘉之 / 赦而不诛 / 俄而起为并州刺史/

11. 下列文中加点词语的相关内容的解说,不正确的一项是(3分)()

A. 《三坟》《五典》传为我国古代典籍,后又以“坟籍”“坟典”为古代典籍通称。

B. “阙”原指皇宫前面两侧的楼台,又可作为朝廷的代称,赴阙也指入朝觐见皇帝。

C. “践阼”原指踏入古代庙堂前台阶,又表示用武力打败敌对势力,登上国君宝座。

D. 逊位, 也称为让位、 退位, 多指君王放弃职务和地位,这里指鲁芝的谦让行为。

12. 下列对原文内容的概括和分析,不正确的一项是(3分)()



C.鲁芝审时度势,进宫劝谏曹爽。曹爽辅政时, 他在曹手下任司马,曹受到讨伐,他率部下驰援,并提出应对策略,劝曹挟天子以号令四方,然而未被采纳。


13. 把文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(10分)








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试题分类: 写作
试题分类: 理论与实务
How a Frenchman is reviving McDonald’s in Europe A. When Denis Hennequin took over as the European boss of McDonald’s in January 2004, the world’s biggest restaurant chain was showing signs of recovery in America and Australia, but sales in Europe were sluggish or declining. One exception was France, where Mr Hennequin had done a sterling job as head of the group’s French subsidiary to sell more Big Macs to his compatriots. His task was to replicate this success in all 41 of the European countries where anti-globalisers’ favourite enemy operates. B. So far Mr Hennequin is doing well. Last year European sales increased by 5.8% and the number of customers by 3.4%, the best annual results in nearly 15 years. Europe accounted for 36% of the group’s profits and for 28% of its sales. December was an especially good month as customers took to seasonal menu offerings in France and Britain, and to a promotion in Germany based on the game of Monopoly. C. Mr Hennequin’s recipe for revival is to be more open about his company’s operations, to be “locally relevant”, and to improve the experience of visiting his 6,400 restaurants. McDonald’s is blamed for making people fat, exploiting workers, treating animals cruelly, polluting the environment and simply for being American. Mr Hennequin says he wants to engage in a dialogue with the public to address these concerns. D. He introduced “open door” visitor days in each country which became hugely popular. In Poland alone some 50,000 visitors came to McDonald’s through the visitors’ programme last year. The Nutrition Information Initiative, launched last year, put detailed labels on McDonald’s packaging with data on calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates and salt content. The details are also printed on tray-liners. E. Mr Hennequin also wants people to know that “McJobs”, the low-paid menial jobs at McDonald’s restaurants, are much better than people think. But some of his efforts have backfired: last year he sparked a controversy with the introduction of a “McPassport” that allows McDonald’s employees to work anywhere in the European Union. Politicians accused the firm of a ploy to make cheap labour from eastern Europe more easily available to McDonald’s managers across the continent. F. To stay in touch with local needs and preferences, McDonald’s employs local bosses as much as possible. A Russian is running McDonald’s in Russia, though a Serb is in charge of Germany. The group buys mainly from local suppliers. Four-fifths of its supplies in France come from local farmers, for example. (Some of the French farmers who campaigned against the company in the late 1990s subsequently discovered that it was, in fact, buying their produce.) And it hires celebrities such as Heidi Klum, a German model, as local brand ambassadors. G. In his previous job Mr Hennequin established a “design studio” in France to spruce up his company’s drab restaurants and adapt the interior to local tastes. The studio is now masterminding improvements everywhere in Europe. He also set up a “food studio”, where cooks devise new recipes in response to local trends. H. Given France’s reputation as the most anti-American country in Europe, it seems odd that McDonald’s revival in Europe is being led by a Frenchman, using ideas cooked up in the French market. But France is in fact the company’s most profitable market after America. The market where McDonald’s is weakest in Europe is not France, but Britain. I. “Fixing Britain should be his priority,” says David Palmer, a restaurant analyst at UBS. Almost two-thirds of the 1,214 McDonald’s restaurants in Britain are company-owned, compared with 40% in Europe and 15% in America. The company suffers from the volatility of sales at its own restaurants, but can rely on steady income from franchisees. So it should sell as many underperforming outlets as possible, says Mr Palmer. J. M.Mark Wiltamuth, an analyst at Morgan Stanley, estimates that European company-owned restaurants’ margins will increase slightly to 16.4% in 2007. This is still less than in the late 1990s and below America’s 18-19% today. But it is much better than before Mr Hennequin’s reign. He is already being tipped as the first European candidate for the group’s top job in Illinois. Nobody would call that a McJob. Notes to Reading Passage 1 1.sterling高质量的 e.g. He has many sterling qualities. 他身上有许多优秀的品质。 2. menial 不体面的, 乏味的(工作、职业) 3. spruce up打扮整齐、漂亮、装饰 4. mastermind指挥、谋划(一个计划或活动) e.g. The police know who masterminded the robbery.警察知道是谁策划了那次抢劫。 5. underperform表现不佳表现出低于标准的工作水平、企业出现亏本 Questions 1-6 Do the following statements reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1? Write your answer in Boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet. TRUE if the statement reflects the claims of the writer FALSE if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this 1. McDonald was showing the sign of recovery in all European countries except France after Denis Hennequin took office as the boss of Euro-markets. 2. Starting from last year, detailed labels are put on McDonald’s packaging and detailed information is also printed on tray-liners. 3. France is said to be the most anti-American country in Europe, but the ideas of the “open door” visiting days and “McPassport” are invented in the French market. 4. Britain possesses the weakest McDonald market among European countries and approximately 1214 McDonald’s restaurants are company-owned. 5. According to David Palmer, a restaurant analyst at UBS, David Hennequin should treat the problem about McDonald in Britain as the most important thing. 6. David Palmer suggested that the management of McDonalod in Italy should sell as many its outlets which lose money in business as possible for revival. Questions 7-10 Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 7-10 on your answe sheet. 7. The word “sterling” in line 3 of Paragraph A means__________. A. difficult B. menial C. terrible D. excellent 8. Which of the following statements on the accusation of MacDonald is NOT TRUE? A. It tends to make people fat. B. Its operations are very vague. C. It tends to exploit workers. D. It tends to treat animals cruelly. 9. Which of the following measures taken by Denis Hennequin produced undesired result? A. “Food Studio” scheme. B. “Open Door” visitor days. C. The “McPassport” scheme. D. The Nutrition Information Initiative. 10. What did Denis Hennequin do so as to respond to local trends? A. set up a “Food Studio” . B. established a “Design Studio”. C. hired celebrities as local brand ambassadors. D. employed local bosses as much as possible. Questions 11-14 Complete each of the following statements (Questions 11-14) with words or number taken from Reading Passage 1. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet. 11. After January 2004, McDonald was making improvement following a period of slump in America and Australia, but sales in Europe were …………………………. 12. Business of McDonald in France and Britain was particularly good in December since customers took to …………………………….. 13. Compared with other countries, France is McDonald’s ………………………. next to America. 14. ……………………. of McDonald’s restaurants in America are companied–owned and the figure is much lower than that in Britain.
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