当前位置:考试网  > 试卷库  > 学历类  > 升学考试  > 高考  > 语文  > 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。 春秋时期,齐国的公子纠与公子小白争夺君位,管仲和鲍叔分别辅助他们。管仲带兵阻击小白,用箭射中他的衣带钩,小白装死逃脱。后来小白即位为君,史称齐桓公。鲍叔对桓公说,要想成就霸王之业,非管仲不可。于是桓公重用管仲,鲍叔甘居其下,终成一代霸业。后人称颂齐桓公九合诸侯、一匡天下,为“春秋五霸”之首。孔子说:“桓公九合诸侯,不以兵车,管仲之力也。”司马迁说:“天下不多(称赞)管仲之贤而多鲍叔能知人也。” 班级计划举行读书会,围绕上述材料展开讨论。齐桓公、管仲和鲍叔三人,你对哪个感触最深?请结合你的感受和思考写一篇发言稿。 要求:结合材料,选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭;不得泄露个人信息;不少于800字。











热门试题 更多>
试题分类: 电子商务网站设计原理
试题分类: 互联网数据库
试题分类: 电子商务与电子政务
试题分类: 教育科学研究方法
试题分类: 国际贸易实务(三)
试题分类: 电子商务与金融
试题分类: 教育管理原理
If you do not find the required information using the tips from the previous section, then you need to consult an online service to find the piece of information you were looking for. Three different types of services have been established over the years: crawlers, directories and meta search engines. The first crawler was created back in 1993. It was called the World Wide Worm. It crawled from one site to the next and indexed all pages by saving the content of the web pages into a huge database. Crawlers or spiders visit a web page, read it, and then follow links to other pages within the site and even follow links to other sites. Web crawlers return to each site on a regular basis, such as every month or two, to look for changes. Everything a crawler finds goes into a database, which people are able to query. The advantage of the web crawlers is that they have an extensive database with almost the complete Internet indexed in it. The disadvantage is that you get thousands of web pages as a response for almost any request. Web directories work a little differently. First of all they contain a structured tree of information. All information entered into this tree is either entered by the webmaster who wants to announce his new web page or by the directory maintainer who looks at the web pages submitted. The directories where webmasters can submit both the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and the description normally contain more misleading information. Getting into most web directories is a combination of luck and quality. Although anyone is able to submit a web page, there is no guarantee that a certain page will be included. Some directories charge for submission, which is basically a rip-off. Some crawlers maintain an associated directory. If your site is in the directory, the ranking of your web site normally will be higher, as it is already pre-classified. Many directories work with crawlers together, in order to deliver results, when nothing can be found in the directory. Meta search engines do not have a database with URLs and descriptions. Instead they have a database of search engines. If you enter your keywords into a meta search engine it will send out requests to all the directories and crawlers it has stored in its database. The meta search engines with a more sophisticated application in the background are able to detect double URLs which come back from the various search engines and present only a single URL to the customer. 34. Crawler is a kind of__________. A. worm B. search engine C. service D. directory 35. The disadvantage of Crawler is that it__________. A. provides a complete database B. takes too much time to find the needed information C. provides too much useless information D. gives response to every quest 36. Who can input information to the web directories? A. Only webmasters. B. Both directory maintainers and webmasters. C. Any one who wants to announce a web page. D. Any one who has found a new web page.
试题分类: 电子商务英语